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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. Its all a lot of waffle regardless. 10 (atleast) teams would have to vote themselves out of the SPFL to gain 75% would they not? And even at that point if somehow it happened. The SPFL would have no say in how the league was structured. Due to the fact the clubs remaining would be a majority of former SFL members they could quite easily start an SNL and run it.
  2. I actually don't think the SPFL has enough clubs. There are at the very least another two needed.
  3. Why is it misogyny to call her a bitch but not when Doncaster is called a cockwomble?
  4. Placing a roll on top of a sausage? No wonder its unpopular.
  5. You are either a horrible racist or absolutely fucked it (pressume the later)
  6. Neither Cairney nor Stevo would get near a best 11 from the two clubs combined Flemming Devlin Buchanan Meggatt Boyle Stirling Crawford Adams Docherty Gilmour Moore
  7. He actively dives in a way giving him little chance of getting the ball
  8. David Hutton Wow that was a real throwback watching those highlights. What a charlatan.
  9. I think you will be ok. Played decent enough stuff and looked quick which is worth points on its own in l1. Bin that #10 tho.
  10. What like? There usually is mass confusion causing misinformation during batshit events tbf.
  11. It was Grimbo who burnt down the WTC and he used the spare jet fuel for his pet insurance scam.
  12. Phew it survived the thread cull. Would have been a travesty.
  13. He is very hit or miss. Or was at Brechin, prone to scoring a worldy but goes right off it for a bit too long. Aitken will have seen enough of him to know this when he was at Stranraer, there's a good player in there its just getting that player to appear regularly.
  14. Apologies been a bit busy and not been near the PC since This probably seems like the good times right now....
  15. Can do. Just had him as roaster of the week in my blog. Just starting work though so you can get it in the morning.
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