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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. Is episode one his maw and da shagging?
  2. 1, Foo Fighters 2, Metalica 3, AC/DC 4, Guns N Roses 5, <insert recently deceased crap artist who is more popular than ever before for a month>
  3. They have started at the very bottom. The juniors are below the bottom because of their terrified of change attitude
  4. I thought the Alex Fergusson giving a lecture part was very good. I registered a smile on a couple more occasions but that was all I laughed at.
  5. Radio 2, home of everything that is shit. A natural home for the likes of Watson.
  6. I remember being a wee guy watching new year telly. Can't fathom why an adult would watch it. I was stuck in the other year as I had to work NYD and just watched films/tv I enjoyed.
  7. Yer da will be sorted with fitba chat for a fortnight
  8. I tried to go into Hyde Park the wrong way and that beast got me. Don't go the glowing sea side of there unless you are tooled up and power suited. It's chaos.
  9. Fucking hell Hyde Park. Raiders, Gunners, Child of Atom & Brotherhood of Steel shootout.
  10. Agree, If Elgin can only muster 12 fans for a game they should be playing local games like all the other irrelevances.
  11. I played the beta for Hardware Rivals, 0/10
  12. If anyone is interested in my no doubt harrowing upcoming events, already got an interview for somewhere.
  13. I have no idea what jobs I can focus on going for so I have just gone for strictly anything. DM if you can offer help
  14. Thank you for the messages of support. I will not apply for anything and use my January wage to take out an advert on the site for crowdfunding my life. I look forward to slow cooker Saturday's, I'll miss the fitba though.
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