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Everything posted by Lambies_Apprentice

  1. I missed it I was getting a wee cuppa. Was it some hardcore techno music playing in the background to old stoneface Denis firing in 180s?
  2. On paper it looks like Webster bottled it. I think Wade's class just shone big time.
  3. I totally forgot about the "Barney Army" factor. Terry Jenkins doesn't sell tickets, nor does Mark Webster, but they've been in it due to playing well in other tournaments. Newton deserves to be in ahead of them on the basis of that.
  4. Can't see past Nicholson and Newton as definite newcomers. Jenkins and Webster definitely won't be in it. Nicholson can be a bit inconsistent sometimes, but he'll be in on entertainment factor alone. Wouldn't surprise me if Barney wasn't in it either next year, he looks a spent force.
  5. I stupidly thought Barney wasn't done after he done slightly better than I expected in the PL after taking a complete spanking from Anderson in the WC. Silly me.
  6. What can I say. Useless fat b*****d.
  7. Hope Barney is right up for this one now with Taylor out. Got a wee wedge on him.
  8. Would say it was a steady start without being blistering. Osborne has missed a shiteload of doubles
  9. By the way. Nicholson to have more 180s than Taylor is 3/1 on Skybet. Brilliant value bet if you ask me.
  10. I could see Nicholson beating Taylor tonight.
  11. Ovens is a stonefaced mediocre journeyman. How can you like him?
  12. Hes a character good for interest in the game. I hope he gets some boring duffer like Denis Ovens in the next round and scuds him.
  13. Scoring was really poor too. 26s, 81s 85s galore.
  14. What a bottle job from Anderson. Never seen him hit so many ones. Good finishing from Nicholson mind.
  15. BTW whats Dave Clark all about jizzing over Manley being knocked out? Hes been shite for ages now.
  16. Chisnall and Bunting not come from there too? Sure one of the young PDC players does too.
  17. I think I should say thanks too since I doubt I would have put it on without him mentioning. Thank you Neil.
  18. Was Hudson actually swigging a pint on the stage there?
  19. Aye. Neither of the two players lost a single leg either.
  20. Peter THE ROCK Hudson, go on my son.
  21. That 9 man accy just came in. Peterson done a great job of trying to deny me it though....
  22. I've made a few quid out of this so far tonight, but still gutted I didn't add the other mug players to make it a higher playing accumulator. Think my 9 man accumulator is still going too!
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