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Keyser Soze

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Everything posted by Keyser Soze

  1. Ayr is always a great awayday, however I think I'll stay at home and watch paint dry instead
  2. Is something we all endure most seasons to be honest, just seems to happen when least expected.
  3. Fraser will be back, I've heard him say that sooooo many times over the past 40 odd years, said it myself more times than I care to remember Edit - That's very tame given your fucking standards
  4. My tuppence worth. If someone is willing to invest money into Raith Rovers then good luck to them, I really don't care too much about their background as long as the current incumbents do due diligence. Thankfully on that front silverbear were kicked into touch for being an obvious bunch of scheisters. From what it seems the consortium involved have taken Kelty as far as they can but are setting their sight higher, I really couldn't care if even someone like Jim Leishman was involved as long as it was for the benefit of Raith Rovers FC. We all know the club needs money ploughed in and yes it wouldn't great to be cannon fodder to the arse cheeks but the top flight is where the cash is. That said I just want my club to live within their means and not chase the dream but if Ross County and Livingston can do it then why can't we ? Yeah I know all about Livi's admins but to survive in the current climate we need to be in the top tier surely ? Even if that means we take a couple of walloping's now and again
  5. Reading these last few pages, I'd literally cut of my left pinkie for another Colin Harris
  6. Looking like the Cove game will be my last game of the season, just can't get any enthusiasm the attend any of the remaining 5 fixtures, transition season (hopefully) and potentially new investment coming in, roll on August when hope springs again. That said next seasons championship will be a lot tougher than this one.
  7. Looking at the potential teams in the Championship next season (Dundee Utd, Ross Co, Scumferline, Falkirk) obviously TBC but this IHMO is the best and most competitive league in the UK, f**k the top tier getting and pumped by the bigots 6 times a season
  8. Couldn't make the game today, that strike is class, not far off Dylan's hit against Cove
  9. 5 games to go and still top, pretty sure that's a lot more than you would have hoped for. Tough game for you guys on Friday but get through that and the last game of the season will be tasty. Good luck guys
  10. Totally agree with the bold. Beer sales (consumed in the concourse, not on the terraces or stands) I agree with in plastic / paper cups. Never EVER would I like to see the days pre the 1980 Cup final when you could take a massive carry out through the turnstiles.
  11. Fair point, just all 2 of you posting at the same time I suppose
  12. It's absolutely astounding how many East Fife fans turn up to post when Rovers lose a cup final, concentrate on your own team guys
  13. Well played Accies , definitely wanted it more in the 1st and hung on well in the 2nd despite a terrible decision by that 'referee' . Thoroughly deserved, enjoy your night guys.
  14. That was a special day for me, was back home on leave from the RAF in Germany to see a brilliant win, after the game I popped into the bookies to find out I'd won £120 from a 50p trixie on the horses, was a pretty tidy sum back then, some great memories.
  15. Wish I had that from where I was sitting, the swerve on the ball was just a pleasure to the eyes
  16. Aye, it was only when the 5th went in that some of them left the ground, I'll admit at 4-0 down I'd probably have left and gone for a pint
  17. Was sat next to big Q near the front, I heard the shout of "Dylan's" then boom, what a strike, twas a thing of beauty. Pity it will be midnight before I see it again
  18. Yep, totally agree, I was only a few rows back, shocked when the ref (who was pretty hopeless the whole game) pointed to the spot, Cove defender made a great tackle. As has been said more clinical finishing and it could easily have been double figures. Also an absolutely fantastic save from Jammer when it was only 1-0.
  19. According to Ian Murray Scott Brown will be ready for tomorrow (I sincerely hope so), Ethan Ross returned in the game against Rangers and looked really promising, long may that continue. Gullan pretty much out for the season and Vaughn still looks a little off the pace so Isma and Akio probably our main attacking options, jury is still out on the pair for me although Isma would be the preferred option. Promotion playoffs while still possible, a pipe dream IMO. Please no more injuries before the diddy cup final.
  20. I slept with my girlfriend's mum, in my defence she was fucking hot.
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