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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. That analysis is somewhat flawed. The fact is that many of the newer recruits are not from some shithole but often from comfy middle class backgrounds.
  2. Which is pure unadulterated monkey shite.
  3. This is probably one of the best posts in this entire thread.
  4. Agreed. How can someone expect loyalty when he himself has been disloyal in the past.
  5. IS have and its predecessors have been on the go since the 1930s - what's different now is the splinter groups that have caused the terror - either homegrown or European based - are much harder to track and neutralise. Some of the action credited to IS has been little more than in the name of IS - with little real input from them themselves, It's this random terrorism - the guns on the beaches terrorism that we saw in Tunisia - that worries me. It's also clear that those who have been involved are not disillusioned working-class muslims but those from well-educated middle-class backgrounds. What makes someone who has everything going for them strap a bomb to themselves or go on a suicide shooting mission? That is the real frightening thing.
  6. That's Capitalism for you. Someone, somewhere, will be making a fast buck providing arms to one (or more) of the participants in this conflict.
  7. I'd not disagree with a multilateral force but it still does not deal with fundamental issue of tackling the ideologues. Dealing with ISIS and their ilk is like tackling the hydra - cut off its head and another two pop up in its place.
  8. That's the point I was making.I don't think either bombing (or not bombing) is dealing with the more fundamental issues. I think there is a military role but it has to go hand-in-hand with tackling the idealogues. That is not easy.
  9. You started it. And it's the one question no one has really tried to answer on any side.
  10. So how do you propose ISIS should be dealt with?
  11. Swanson would be a cracking signing - but as Ludo says it's unlikely to happen.
  12. I know you did - I wouldn't call the SSP socialist either. Back-stabbing shitebags maybe, but not socialists.
  13. Didn't work for the SSP. Did work for the SNP.
  14. Thoughts? Will it affect the elections next May? My own view - in a word - no.
  15. http://m.heraldscotland.com/politics/13620831.Revealed__new_Scottish_left_party_named_as_RISE/ SCOTLAND’S new left-wing electoral alliance is to be called RISE, the Sunday Herald can reveal. The grassroots anti-austerity movement, anchored around the Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) and the Scottish Left Project (SLP), has been taking shape over the last eight months under the nickname the Scottish Syriza. However it will be be formally launched as RISE, which stands for Respect, Independence, Socialism and Environmentalism, in Glasgow next Saturday. Up to 1000 activists are expected to attend the Marriott Hotel for the event, which will include more than 30 speakers and examine policies for next May’s Holyrood election. Among those taking part will be representatives from Syriza, Spain’s Podemos movement, Quebec Solidaire and Black Lives Matter, plus Independent MSP Jean Urquhart, German MP Andrej Hunko of the Left party Die Linke, and Mike Small, founder of the Bella Caledonia blog. There will also be a message of support from veteran journalist Tariq Ali. Describing itself as “Scotland’s Left Alliance”, RISE will field candidates exclusively on regional lists, from which MSPs can be elected with as little as 5.2 per cent of the vote. As part of an electoral pact to maximise the chance of socialist MSPs being elected, the SSP will refrain from standing candidates, giving RISE a clear run. The umbrella model is based on Syriza in Greece, which was formed in 2004 as a coalition of 13 radical groups, including Maoists, Trotskyists, feminists and environmentalists. The Respect element of RISE refers to equalities - it has no links to George Galloway’s party. The new name, with its whiff of revolution, is intended to catch the attention of voters drawn to the Left in response to the Tory government, but who doubt the commitment of Scottish Labour and the SNP to radical change. SSP co-convenor Colin Fox, who hopes to be a RISE candidate, said even if Jeremy Corbyn became the next UK Labour leader it would not fundamentally change the party. “I fully expect Labour’s existential crisis to deepen whether Jeremy Corbyn wins or not. He does not support independence or further powers for the Scottish Parliament. That offers very little to attract the progressive left opinion that’s gathered round the SLP. “If Corbyn becomes leader he’ll also be a prisoner of the right wing of Labour from day one. They’re already orchestrating a coup against him. “We’ll be looking to take the fight to the SNP. Nicola Sturgeon says they’re against austerity and privatisation, but they have a different track record. The SNP is no place for a socialist.” Trade union activist Cat Boyd said: “We want ordinary people in Scotland to have a voice against the onslaught of austerity, against the erosion of our trade union rights and against the unchallenged privileged and power of the few who think they have the absolute right to rule.” Playwright Alan Bissett said he was "really excited" about RISE, adding: "The left had been struggling until the injection of energy and momentum from the referendum, when working-class and young people started to engage with politics. A pro-Yes voice, to the left of the SNP and Scottish Labour and committed to the working-class, should be a prerequisite of our parliament.” Refugee rights campaigner Pinar Aksu added: “This fresh approach will provide a voice that will put people at the forefront, not the corporate interests which dominate our society.” RISE organiser Jonathan Shafi, who also co-founded the Radical Independence Campaign in the referendum, rejected the suggestion that Syriza’s current problems and splits showed the Left’s high hopes in Scotland were doomed. “Greece actually underlines the need for similar left movements to develop in northern Europe to provide support to other governments of the radical left - to prevent them being isolated.” Tory MSP Murdo Fraser said: “Presumably this leftist movement hopes to have slightly better longevity than Syriza, which U-turned on its anti-austerity platform and is now collapsing into typical infighting. But one wonders how long before RISE becomes FALL?” The advent of RISE means unprecedented competition for Holyrood’s 56 list places, as the strength of the SNP means Labour, the Tories, LibDems and Scottish Greens are now all reliant on the list system for MSPs. Convicted perjurer Tommy Sheridan is also standing for Solidarity in Glasgow.
  16. 6.05 PM kick-offs to be precise. I remember that game well - managed to find a boozer in London that would put the game on. Was the only one watching until some Fulham fans started to take an interest - they cheered Grady's goal as well. Me? I about somersaulted across the bar.
  17. Had muppets behind me say the same thing. They weren't amused when I pointed out that Hemmings has done more in his 3 starts than Luka in a whole season.
  18. She's still not in the Jill "batshit mental" Stephenson category though.
  19. Don't say we didn't warn you about King. I never thought I'd say a club go through more changes of dodgy ownership than Dundee - but the Tribute Act are managing to do it.
  20. Bell has to be dropped - end of.
  21. It should have been - the pitch was flatter than Keira Knightley's tits.
  22. Absolutely piss-poor batting performance by England.
  23. Bell needs to be dropped - especially if he does the same tomorrow.
  24. I wasn't being abusive though. There's also a slight difference in that I was not an interested party - you can say "you go or the game is abandoned" because the spectators 999 times out of 1000 you are dealing with have a vested interest. It was the fact that I had no link to either team that meant he didn't know what to do. By the way, umpiring at that time wasn't like refereeing for lower level hockey. Each side usually supplied an umpire, there was no obligation for them to have any qualification. The club in question, certainly at that time, were notorious for having biased umpires. If he'd attempted to abandon the game I think the other umpire would have had something to say about it.
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