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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. Most local newspaper "polls" tend to be unvetted ticky-box affairs with all the validity of a North Korean election result. We all know they get hijacked especially by multi-voting.
  2. Yes of course I am joking - but who really wants to live next to any gaudy display - be it flags or 10'x6' advertising boards?
  3. There's one house in Kirkton that not only has a flag pole but is bedecked in SNP flags etc. I said to my wife that if I lived next door to that display I'd set fire to it - not because of what was on the flags but the ott nature of the display. Swap UJs for saltires/labour flags and my reaction would be the same.
  4. Any reason why TNS consistently has a higher number of DKs than other pollsters?
  5. Someone claimed the SNP got a majority of votes - those figures show they didn't.
  6. They did though.The SNP gained 45.6% of the popular vote in 2011. 54.4% didn't get the government they wanted .
  7. No.http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/aug/11/labour-soar-past-tories-seven-point-lead-icm-poll?CMP=twt_fd "The poll, carried out between Friday and Sunday, followed a difficult week for the prime minister after Warsi resigned from the government after criticising the prime minister for his "morally indefensible" decision not to criticise Israel for disproportionate action in Gaza. On Wednesday Boris Johnson signalled his intention to return to parliament at next year's general election, placing him in a strong position to replace the prime minister. The London mayor is the dominant figure in the race to succeed Cameron, according to the poll which shows nearly a third of voters (29%) believe he should be the next Tory leader." Maybe perception over divisions on the Tory leadership. Also there is a significant Muslim vote and it can't be particularly enamoured by Cameron at this time.
  8. Israel-Palestine apparently. Baroness Warsi's resignation.
  9. Quite a signigicant shift - don't know if this is a rogue/outlier - other polls will bring clarity. Labour up 5% Tories down 3%
  10. From what I have read no UK legislation is to be repealed. The White Paper states that employment law would be "tailored to Scotland's needs" - whatever that means. Why no commitment to get rid of sackers charters like the Unfair Dismissal and Statement of Reasons for Dismissal (Variation of Qualifying Period) Order 2012?
  11. Out if interest why is there no commitment in the White Paper to change in our employment laws?The 2012 legislation has effectively removed the rights of 3 million workers across the UK.
  12. Everyone likes being right - it's human nature.
  13. Of course opinion can change but, as it stands, opportunities to do so are fast running out for the Yes campaign. Salmond blew a major opportunity last week to close the gap - even the most fervent of independence supporters know that deep down.
  14. Any wummin mad enough to go out with him though?
  15. Not surprised there is still a distinct gender bias in voting intentions.
  16. Imho Devo Max with STV would have meant No finishing last of the options.
  17. Like they were stopped at the Euro elections in Scotland?
  18. We've won? I thought you were supporting Yes Godzookie?
  19. I don't think anyone, not even the most diehard No voter (ie HB), expected Salmond to perform as poorly as he did.
  20. I'll reserve judgement until the other pollsters publish their latest surveys.
  21. Unlike 2011 there isn't a Lib Dem vote to collapse to the SNP.
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