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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. Oh nothing wrong with my attention span - I have sat through the 10+ hours of Shoah on more than one occasion.
  2. She was gone from the start.It was an effort even watching those 30 minutes - and I've watched some real crap in my time.
  3. Gone Girl - bored rigid. Don't understand the hype about it. We watched the first 30 minutes then switched off. Affleck's mumbling dialogue, music that drowned everything out, jumping backwards and forwards with insightless meaningless turgid shit - found it unwatchable.
  4. He's a good player who clearly lacks match fitness - I'm sure Hartley will sort that out.
  5. Singing at them "2 points!! You've only got 2 points!!" as nauseum.
  6. If Dillon were a few years younger he'd be a good utility option - but I don't think we need him as we already have a few younger players in that mould.
  7. McPake has done well but he isn't POTY - Greg Stewart gets that by a country mile.
  8. Boyle's looked good in one game - against Efe Ambrose - which says it all really. When he has come up against other full-backs he has struggled because he is so predictable. He may well have ripped Championship left-backs a new one last season - but that (sadly) seems to be his level. Loads of pace but no consistent end product.
  9. Stuart Lee is an unfunny c**t.
  10. Can't stand an Idiot Abroad - just don't find it funny. But then I didn't think The Office or Extras were funny either.And don't start me on Derek . . .
  11. A lot of over-reaction here. Don't get me wrong - United were the better team and some of our defending was crazy - but I don't think I've seen a team get the break of the ball like they did. Just look at the goals - all bar the fourth had fortune on their side. First - wicked deflection. Second - over-hit cross Third - deflected shot Fifth - deflected header Sixth - deflected pass from GMS to set up shot I know you could say that you make your luck but sometimes things just go in your favour (or against you). I've seen us play worse and win - and play better and lose. Shit happens - we need to pick ourselves up and move on. I said at the start of the season that I'd be delighted with 10th place - I still stand by that.
  12. Or the American habit (or 'abit) of ignoring an aitch - (h)erbal being the one we hear in that awful shampoo ad. Still not as cringeworthy as one Yank talking about an 'istory.
  13. Glaswegians who pronounce December like they are bee - it's not Dezember you tubes. Anyone who's listened regularly to the drink-drive radio adds will see my point. And on the topic of how things are pronounced - the letter J is fucking prounced jay (as in the bird) not jie (rhymes with tie).
  14. The Rangers are the same football club as Rangers.
  15. If the referee hadn't been such a clown we would have won.
  16. Need to bring on Russell for one of the defensive midfielders.
  17. Why are we playing with 2 defensive midfielders st home?
  18. I think McBride did what he had to on Saturday - one chance to Curier and a half chance to Andreu was all they really created. McBride basically had to sit in front of the defence and stop/slow down their attacks - I think he did that pretty effectively. The substitution happened at the right time - Accies were going nowhere and had run out of ideas. Boyle helped create more width and space when he came on - but I don't think he'd have had the same impact starting or coming on earlier - McBride played his part in taking the wind out of Accies sails.
  19. Have also taught: William Wallace Daniel Defoe Glenn Miller Michael Jackson David (Davie) Jones Alice Coupar John(ny) Cash
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