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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. Not quite the same comparison though is it?Risk to your football team versus risk to your job/pension/financial security. It's easy to blame the MSM but they have had quite a few open goals provided in the shape of the SG's proposed economic policy. Presenting CU as a fait accompli. No detailed plan B. Oil revenue estimates that bear no relation to reality. I could go on. If there were a No I suspect that there will be a lot of finger-pointing internally within the SNP. Salmond might take some of that flak, for example, due to his performance in the first debate. The other person who I think would have to shoulder some responsibility is the Finance Minister John Swinney. Remember him? The invisible man of the Yes campaign team.
  2. A lot of DKs are quite possibly what you'd class as "Aye but naw" - open to the idea but with serious doubts.
  3. The Bradley effect that both myself and H_B have referred to.
  4. And Survation along with Panelbase have been the most Yes friendly posters. So the two most Yes friendly posters show little or no change whilst YouGov and TNS - normally the least friendly show massive rises for Yes. I know YouGov changed their polling weightings so it may go a long way to explaining that change - they're the ones who appear to be out of kilter with other pollsters.
  5. TNS still showing large numbers of Don't Knows/Did Not Answer though - I don't know how significant that is. Are they genuinely don't know, or people just refusing to say which way they'll vote, or just not voting?
  6. In general I think the older you get the less willing you are to change views without having a really good reason to do so. I also think that a case could be made that younger voters are more inclined/willing to change their views because they perhaps have not had the life experience to be as cynical about the world as their elders.
  7. Whereas the traditonally friendly Yes pollster was pretty much unchanged with No still leading. You couldn't make it up.
  8. And Blair Jenkins has spent the last 2 years deriding YouGov polls as a Labour front. Now all of a sudden he can't stop talking about them.... Politicians always go for the poll that's most favourable and deride those that are not. I think once we get all the polls in we might have a truer picture.
  9. I agree with you regards Murdoch. Would trust the Dirty Digger as far as I could throw him.
  10. That's outside the undecideds. These are people who won't even say if they are undecided.
  11. There's possibly some sort of Bradley effect too - consistently 10% of those polled refuse to say which way they are voting. If I were a Yes supporter that would be my worry.
  12. Or YouGov have changed their methodology (from what a variety of folk are saying). Panelbase which has always been the one that shows Yes support at its highest is relatively unchanged. The other polls this week may give a better indication.
  13. Is it me or does it feel like there's been quite a gap since we got a lot of polls?
  14. Not in a million years could the Lords or Westminster block independence. I can think of one scenario that could cause issues - but I'm starting another thread on that.
  15. Economically they are still centre right - but then so are the other 3 major parties.
  16. Confi Confi - you're getting slow - did you not see the . Was half expecting a comment from Anthony C Pick, I mean H_B.
  17. I've said that before - it's a tough balancing act though.
  18. My brother has made a similar point - from a Yes point of view it just plays right in to the hands of the Murphyistas.
  19. BT's campaign has been abysmal from start to finish. There have been clear opportunities to attack without resorting to outright scare stories. If they actually focussed on the facts and not exaggerations they might be in a better position.
  20. You can add in Confi's Nawbags and Bitters Together. In all fairness though he's had similar (unprintable) plays on his username in return.
  21. Personally, I'd leave any gloating to the zoomers. If it's a Yes then I'd want it to be successful. If it's a No then I'd want folk to make sure that there was a united front on pushing for new powers - in my case I'd almost certainly back the SNP at the next Scottish Parliamnet election to do so.
  22. No - he's a piss-poor flip-flopping wum.
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