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Everything posted by ayrunitedfw

  1. Doing my Duke of Edinburgh awards at some campsite. There was another couple of boys from a near-by school who were all sharing a tent. One of my mates had brought a condom as one of the girls had said she would shag him (ended up not happening) as she got a viral infection the day before.So we filled the Condom with milk and sat it outside the boys tent.
  2. I seen a meme earlier from someone who attends glasgow caley (i think). It said something like at least we are not UWS.
  3. Ive been banned from sending Friend request for 7 days. f**k Facebook. Team Twitter.
  4. The Old firm statuses have started. ' FTP, Come on the gers the nyt WATP
  5. Team : Kilmarnock Think you have answered your own question there mate.
  6. What does the game go up to ? I know f**k all about darts apart from the fact that Taylor is a c**t
  7. The pictures which are being uploaded are absoulotely rank. A old guy hanging upside down from his cock and a cock sliced in two being the two worst
  8. Eddie Malone will return that favour. Wardlaw will also score before running over over to Danny Lennin and giving him a glance which suggests GIRUY.

  9. Hey, There is a few of us wanting to play clubs. Can you accept me into the club.

  10. Dont know how to post pics. Andrew Merry (Xfactor-The risk) and David Templeton.
  11. You shitting it yet ? The big boys from Ayrshire are coming.

  12. How close is Paisley Gilmour street to St Mirren ground ?
  13. Been to Lanzarote,Madeira and Fuertaventura for New year. All excellent.
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