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Posts posted by JogaBonito

  1. The piano (1993)

    Bit of a slow burner, revolving around issues such as passion and lust. Holly hunter comes to New Zealand to marry Sam Neill, who ends up a bit tonto (bit weird seeing him as I've started watching Peaky Blinders where he has grey hair!) Harvey Keitel also stars in this drama. Wid not btw. Michael Nyman's piece is pleasant at first, but becomes really irritating in the end. It's ok. 6/10.

  2. I'm pathetically lonely. I've never had a real "best friend" who is of a like mind to me and with whom I can speak to openly and honestly. I've never had a proper girlfriend. I cry to myself regularly about how much of my teenage years have been utterly wasted and that memories and contacts normally formed by people my age just aren't developing, and that it's quickly becoming too late and my best and most productive years are evaporating before me as I stand helplessly by. It's tragic just how many basic relationships are completely absent from my life.

    I guess these are just standard life problems, but melancholy has always plagued me, particularly recently as things start to change drastically for me. It's weird because it's not as if things have been better in the past. I've always been a very introverted person, but as I get older more and more stigma seems to be associated with being a loner and relationships with other people become more important.

    God loneliness is a killer. :(

    Who and what defines "proper";stuff you've seen in the pictures? Relationships and friendships are always going to dry up over time as contact lessens. But newer ones are there to be found and developed.

    Have you ever heard of meetup? There may be groups available where you can meet like-minded people over sport or drinks. Filters out some of the hard work too.

  3. Ida (2013)

    Polish Oscar-award winning movie about a Nun who discovers that she is Jewish, who along with her aunt goes in search for their family. Really strange black and white film with the odd laugh. 5/10

    The Prestige

    Hugh Jackman & Christian Bale square off in this epic Nolan movie. 7.5/10

  4. I found squatting really difficult in converses due to a lack of ankle flexibility. Purchasing weightlifting shoes changed all that and really helped my squatting ability over time. Try a deload as well; reduce the weight about 20% and work your way back up again (don't change reps or sets).

  5. Still trying to find a barber that I like in Glasgow. Primo and Rebelrebel seem to be the commonly recommended ones, but everyone coming out of there look like massive thundercunts.

    Don't really like salons because £, and if I find razor cuts to take too long, how am I gonna feel about scissor cuts?! Not good.

  6. I'm terrible at calorie counting. Hopefully will continue to lose a couple of pounds from running everyday and eating mostly unprocessed, whole foods.

    I've started bodyweight exercises outside, dumbbell work in my room is boring as hell. Working towards 10 muscle-ups by the end of the year and hopefully crack out 1 or 2 handstand push-ups.

  7. My sim-only contract is something like £12 a month with 3 and gets me unlimited data.

    Its actually really hard to go mental on data use unless you're really hammering it with streaming videos and songs or video calls. Before I got unlimited data I used to keep an eye on my usage and rarely went over 750 Mb a month, and that was with me doing quite a lot on it.

    Fair enough.

    My gf does it fairly regularly, getting warning texts from Vodafone too. But she is pretty frivolous and uses it to watch netflix and tethering etc. I'm pretty consicious of my internet usage anyway (e.g making sure all apps update on wi-fi only but there are some sneaky apps out there].

  8. The Godfather

    Possibly the only film that could get away with a scene where a guy (Carlos) gets knocked down on his ass by a punch landing 3 feet from his face (Sonny) :lol: ..Hell there are so many scenes I enjoyed in that movie, most notably Enzo and Michael just outside the hospital. Loved Michael's character arc and that final scene where Kay is just looking on and see his husbands (?) hand being kissed by the others. Marlon Brando's accent annoyed the hell out of me but I loved his character (bit of romanticising going on as he would probably have been a cold motherfucker if he was based on someone genuine)..9/10

    Pulp Fiction

    Royale with cheese, le Big Mac, Ezekial 25:17, I don't eat swine; this movie is incredible. 9.5/10

    Can't believe it took me this long to watch those two, but glad I finally did. Got the Godfather box-set, so will watch part II soon [general consensus seems to say that III should be chucked out the windae].

  9. I've been reading about this this week. Motorola just released a new version of the 4G model and they really haven't given them good names to differentiate between them all.

    Basically, there are now two versions of the Moto G---"first generation" and "second generation"---and they both come in 3G and 4G versions. The second gen ones have a 5" screen and a better camera as the most obvious differences to the first gen.

    The second gen 4G model is only £10 more than the second gen 3G model, but the 3G model is dual-sim (which might make a difference for some) and the 4G isn't. Personally I'll be getting the second gen 4G because I'm with 3 who give you 4G as standard.

    So 4G is only relevant if you surf using mobile packet data? My current rolling monthly sim-only doesn't include data, but I'm not sure how much longer I'll keep it - wi-fi only can be a pain sometimes but worried about going way over-board data plans due to background apps and stuff.

  10. Watched that over the weekend on Netflix too. Surprised just how boring it was as I remember enjoying it first time round.


    Love this gif though!

    Also watched 50/50 but enjoyed it yet again. My lady partner was greeting during that particular car scene.

  11. Asked this in the quick question thread too...

    Anything better than a second gen Moto G for less than £150?

    No idea. I only just realised there are two versions of the moto G, the Moto G 4G and the Moto G 5 (which is 3g)..both are 5 inch screen phones but I think the diff is the camera (difference of 3mp).

    Can't decide between the two, how important is 4g for future-proofing yourself?

  12. The Intouchables

    Driss, a black French man from a less fortunate background, applies for the role as a care-taker solely for claiming job-seekers. French Dustin Hoffman, a quadriplegic is a really rich man living in a large manor, loves the cut of the guy's jib and offers him a trial offer much to everyone's surprise. Driss is really hesitant about the job at first, but eventually takes to it as their working relationship progresses and both learn more about each other. Really light hearted movie with brilliant hilarious moments. 8/10

    Also watched Amelie. Whimsical little French rom-com. Really enjoyed it. 7.5/10

  13. Goodfellas

    The acting from Liotta, Pesci and De Niro (who surprisingly doesn't appear as often as you'd think) is superb. Pesci is terrifying as the crazy nut job who'll whack anyone who makes him look silly. That "Funny how" scene really had me on goind... For some strange reason the movie didn't do much for me, I thought the ending was a big let-down for the whole thing. Wise-guys.



    The duck of death :lol: Excellent piece. A good look at morality. 9/10

  14. These past couple of pages...


    On the subject of humour and mental illness, it all depends really imo. If I came to you with something seriously bothering me, I wouldn't appreciate a jokey response back.

    Suicide thread? Didn't read as it didn't appeal to me. It's a tricky decision though, don't think mods can win either way..

    That's great news RN, long may it continue.

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