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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. Why? England ffs, lay off the meths will you. This is about ripping the pish outa Rangers in case you forgot...........
  2. Bit of a bugger if Craigy didn't get the 'new for old' policy last year 'cos it was £25 a month dearer
  3. To clarify, the quote marks are to highlight - legal- , ie they are stated as legal but there has been no ruling on it, yet the HMRC have caved after 2 years. If legal why haven't the companies to them to shove it, if illegal why have HMRC not persused for the full amount? And the detail is noted, Rangers FC has been found guilty and is appealing, except to potential bidders mwahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhaha ^^^clarification complete.
  4. Worringly HMRC cutting deals with companies that have exploited 'legal' tax dodges business news The only 'good' thing is that it took 2 years of litigation afore a deal was struck, 2 years more time than Rangers have I reckon.
  5. The Blue Knights are actually a International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club with a Scottish chapter. If they do indeed cause Rangers demise, I for one will send off for their jacket patch and wear it with pride
  6. Was it at this shindig and not Ibrox??? <a href="http://ogfwbtsmbkp.blogspot.co.uk/2009/10/3rd-annual-fund-raising-galasucculent.html">3rd Annual Fund Raising Gala/Succulent Lamb Cook-Off hosted by, and I shit you not, the O.G.F.W.B.T.S.M.B.K.P. Catchy title !
  7. With D+P not sending out season ticket renewals (to give any new owner acces to these funds), how does that play with the Ticketus deal? Surely they are denying Ticketus their contracted (in dispute) income which falls due now, and they will be seeking redress? More litigation due soon maybe
  8. He always has had to get rid of his shares, D+P played this part down to make it seem that the rescue bids were plausible.
  9. Dunno about DAB but here is online link Clyde 1 Edit for Sportsound too afore it gets asked for in next 20 mins
  10. One, reknowned for lazily touring about, eating all in its path through his cavernous maw (that works on 2 levels ) and with a violent rage in his DNA awaiting a justified frenzy. The other? A shark.
  11. So if the incubator instigator has bolted after a mere few days, I take it that this means the newco malarky is dead in the water? For if the guy whos idea it was can't make it work can anybody, especially as time is running out? Doubt it ......
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