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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. ? Everything to do with the original post..... Case A/...........you saw something online that appeared too good to be true to most and went for it. Case B/...........you saw something online that appeared too good to be true to most and went for it. You learned hee-haw from Case A, that should be a worry for you.
  2. Your son Tupe'd over...... if he was 'loyal' he would have given up football at the end of last season. Will he still go when he doesn't get the, what is it, £60? season tickets??
  3. now cast your mind back to when the 3 Amigos meant more than 3 deluded bears.................. hmmmmmmmmmmmm
  4. Since Ibrox is like a kindergarten, no 8 is all concerned for miners all of a sudden.......................
  5. But Tedi said Uefa stated the Rangers were not the same legally...who do I believe?
  6. It was just a link to the decision in full you bufoon, ya didn't even look........... was pleasing though........they died
  7. Not really.... ''Rangers FC.”''............ they died......... I really think I am taking this well, didn't want the titles reawarded, just stripped. However, a verdict of guilty cheating dead club will do. Now, for their scummy zombie offspring.
  8. And the guy responsible for said admin errors played what part in the delaying last summer to allow you time to get Green in and election up to the Scots Div 3?
  9. The Rangers are Scotlands OJ...............guilty as feck, yet unpunished. (apart from death mwahahahaha) hmmmmmmm, OJ.............Orange Junta????
  10. Only was on KDS for a fortnight, overmodded, and never been on HB or CM either........ ''Guilty as charged but I'm naw doin' the SPL's dirty work thus avoiding death threats'' © LNS 28/02/13 ''Guilty as charged but I'm naw doin' the SPL's dirty work thus avoiding death threats'' © LNS 28/02/13
  11. And guilty of delaying proceedings, withholding information etc etc. Admin errors usually see clubs kicked out of competitions, so guilty but let off..... I for one welcome our new Masonic overlords.
  12. Guilty you say.....fine by me. Cheating cu nts...be good to see their new club Follow Follow into the abyss...................
  13. When they realised the colour of St paddy is light blue they had to change, but the nickname stuck.
  14. So........Glasgow Rangers...... and........Rangers.... How many official names did the dead club have?
  15. As the dead club were never out of the top flight, and the new club are starting out, to call yourself ''As We Rise Again'' makes no sense either way. Neither club have risen before (unless from the grave lol) ''As we rise'' works for both viewpoints, but to include ''again'' now that's pathetically stupid.
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