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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. Keeps01 still determied to fid me in Orcville.........from the Catman Lee is banned thread At times like this I would refer to the patter of our box Office overlords. Swing and a miss Unlucky Trying too hard Not to mention the Sevconian mantra - Obsessed
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKfD-_R10zU By the wonders of time travel I have obtained official footage of this years effort........ Nominees for the 2 main players please (I reserve SSB + Dindy for my choice )
  3. This is the thing Bennett, 'outwith his contract' implies not contracted to do so. Wee Silly Billy has already dropped oldcorpse in it by stating he got his payment by contract,,,,,,,,and NOT the one registered! Gettit now? 2 contracts
  4. after Iron Sky and War of the Dead, I went for The 25th Reich (2012) After Nazis living on the Moon and Zombie Nazis in Finland, this takes the biscuit , time travelling Nazis in Australia in 1943 to 50,000 years in the past to 300 years in the future. The pick of the action is an American Captain getting ass raped by a 20 foot high robotic spider Nazi who was a GI redneck 2 minutes previously and had been morphed by a laser in 5 secs There is to be a sequel..................... 6/10 , actually that bad it was enjoyable. Next up will be Dead Snow, more zombie Nazi stuff and mentioned on here before, but brought to my mind after the death of the director Tomas Evjen at 39 yesterday......
  5. The Roger Moore one? The Ian St John one? The Greavsie one?
  6. But Capy it is not just the motorist. Put petrol in the boat and it is 149.9 per litre, same as the motorist, with absolutely no benefit at all (and a damn sight worse mpg).
  7. A decent fence would keep the chicks safe I reckon........
  8. Nope as SFA are the avenue for appeal I think. Btw as I just posted in the youngsters sign 5 year deal thread, Chucky and his lawyers cant even get that right , McKay is 17.............
  9. Wasn't there a 'whisper' at the time he signed that the agent had a dodgy druggie related shenanigan past? Cannae mind who he was but I just remember there was a rumour of shadyness.
  10. Tedi, why on earth would the cash strapped SPL want to fine Sevco/oldcorpse? The abilty to pay would have to be taken into account, and youz cannae afford owt.
  11. bookmark this folks......... http://www.bailii.org/uk/cases/UKFTT/TC/2012/ When BTC is announced, it will be on that page first.
  12. Meant to read 'Cos their clubs deid' Anyhoo if I can spell 'deid', what the hell
  13. I thought it was more than 1 day? Aw well, buys another post match pint and settles back.........feck popcorn
  14. Lifted from elsewhere, it explains it all to the Sevco fans who believe this wasnt planned all along.
  15. DB, what difference does it make that Rangers are no longer in the SPL? If a title winning SPL club was relegated then found to have cheated they would have the title stripped from the records.. Relegated or in this case deidified, makes no odds, its the records of the SPL and they can amend them if they so want. Edit for.........they no longer have a contract with Uefa, does that mean their win afore the riot doesnae count????
  16. As I forecast a couple of days ago Jeekers, the whole gamut of Sevco bhoys are out tonight in full deflection/denial mode. They know the bell tolls, and it tolls for them
  17. Pish, if a club goes into Admin, they get a penalty. Where does it state that a club gets a penalty if a holding company goes into Admin? Should be irrelevant though as they traded for at least 3 months whilst insolvent
  18. Existing SPL clubs aren't allowed into the SFL without relegation taking place. That was what happed to the one relegated club last season. Dunfermline
  19. It is in the Articles but they defer to the club due to the logistics . D+P carried it out on Chucky, do you disagree?
  20. :lol: :lol: Please buy some grey Gazzelles and go!
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