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Waldo Ponce

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Posts posted by Waldo Ponce

  1. Ahoy hoy, Be quick before this post is deleted and this membership is canned.

    Checked an old e-mail account and I have fair few PMs to banned member called ALL HÚNS 'n' **** ARE SCUM

    If anyone is interested in opinions from that poster they should follow @olaf_thom

    If you like the UFC stay up late and post opinions on the live fights don't bother. its a big enough pain removing ICTChris and Champions (of decomposing badger fame) for 24hrs trying to avoid spoilers.


    verge of tears, grasping for relevance and correct on all counts regarding John Yogi Hughes!

    Oh yeah, what ever happened to that fella? he was one of the better posters 'back in the day'

  2. I knew this girl for a few years, my mate used togo out with her for a bit. Anyway time passed and we all stayed friends it so happens that I used to jog past her house of an night she saw me and got my number through my mate, anyway she contacted me saying she wanted to come jogging in an effort to get fit.

    We went out one night, an awful nights training not interested at all in the whole jogging thing but we became mates, and shortly after started fucking. this broke off after a week or two and that was that.

    Then about two months ago, some three years on she called me on a Tuesday night it being so random I answered then bla bla bla we ended up fucking, and here is my problem this last one of the best sexual experiences i've ever had it was amazing, actually that good, II've since learnt she was with someone at the time and is now enagaged to him.

    The thing is she isn't actually a slag in fact she has only been with the three of us, however I actually cant stop thinking about her, I never really gave her a second glance back then, now I cant thinking about anything but :(

  3. The vast majority of killies debt OS due to building the hotel. Various problems with it.

    The idea was the hotel to provide income for the football club and whilst it makes a profit and provides much needed cash flow (especially in summer) it doesn't make enough to clear the debt any time soon.

    We have stlll.knocked over £4m off our debt in recent years by posting a profit.

    Yeah fair enough didn't look too closely at the teams mentioned, I was basically commenting on the general point that Rangers were in some way to blame for other teams bad financial management.

  4. Rangers' over spending resulted in teams like Kilmarnock, Aberdeen, Dundee United and the rest of the SPL to increase expenditure and get themselves in to debt. Each side is now paying for that debt by servicing their interest each year and can no longer compete at the level they did before hand.

    For Rangers to emerge from this financial doping with no debt and the ability to start again while the rest of the SPL is servicing the debt they accumulated to keep up the competitiveness with Rangers in the 90s and early 00s is nothing short of disgusting.

    I'm all for kicking Rangers but these clubs only have themselves to blame, other clubs lived within their means and weren't swayed by Rangers' actions.

  5. Although I was very confident of beating Ayr in the semi, the longer it stays at 0-, the more nervous you become.

    f**k playing them in a final!!

    That is what makes this final such an exciting prospect, It will be winners best every day in football and the losers worst.

    Add to that how long since Hibs have won it, the slagging they take for that, also their recent record in Derby matches would make me nervous if I were Hearts, who should be favourites here.

  6. So, how would they vote?

    I'd guess-

    Ralph Topping (SPL Chairman)...For Rangers

    Neil Doncaster (SPL Chief Executive)...For Rangers

    Eric Riley (Celtic FC)...For Rangers

    Stephen Thompson (Dundee United FC)...Against Rangers

    Derek Weir (Motherwell FC)...For Rangers

    Steven Brown (St Johnstone FC)...For Rangers, embarrassingly.

    We're definitely fucked.

    Not surprising given which team he supports . . . .

    Even If his old man was still in charge we'd still be 'for Rangers' I guess simply due to the money we might get from them being around.

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