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Jay Silverheels

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Everything posted by Jay Silverheels

  1. The East Stirling postponement thread on LL is ful of gems of East Lothian wisdom. COnsider the following: From the perennial fucktard Livijames: "They have less of a leg to stand on in their refusal than we did, in my opinion. We were quite entitled to not play the game until the SFL decided to go against what they had originally said in regards to the appeal. This is verging on blackmail to give them the points/get us deducted points" Another example of why computers should be kept out of the hands of the clinically brain-dead, by cosmia: "we had genuine reason not to play. theyre just throwing their toys out the pram. hope they come bottom half of the table!" Deek, perhaps he should change his name to something more appropriate, like Dick: "Can't quite see the justification for claiming the points since the game was postponed by the SFL as said on their website and indeed the East Stirling website" Judging by their revisionist stupidity, is it any wonder they get pelters on here?
  2. Very good comparison there VikingTON. It certainly gave me a laugh. Oh, PLL, DON'T go and see Gamer, it's awful. I've seen some truly abysmal films over the years, but paying $16 to sit through that unmitigated catastrophe was by far the worst decision I made since I decided to invest in Livi... Save your money and go see something else. Trust me, you'll thank me later.
  3. Gerard Butler. That's all my wife cares about. The guy from Dexter is in it too, and I think Ludacris as well.
  4. Wish they'd hurry it up. I promised I'd take Mrs. Silverheels and Jay Jr. to see Gamer today before the schools go back tomorrow.
  5. Come on PLL, do you actually believe that Rankine is a person of high moral fibre and integrity? Do you think he has Livi's best interests at heart? Isn't it possible that he has another agenda, and that Livi are just a means to an end? Livi have been living on borrowed time for how many years? It seems they've been living on other people's money as well. How many chairmen have come and gone under a cloud of suspicion and debt? Most, if not all of them, or that's how it appears to me. Do you think I'm wrong in saying that Livi are the most historically corrupt club in Scottish football? How many times have they ran up huge debts, and then performed some escape act where the creditors get screwed, but the club soldiers on like nothing happened? How many times has it been someone else's fault, and how many deluded Livi supporters buy into the vacuous promises of one owner after another?
  6. So let me get this straight; Rankine complains about MacIntyre placing illegal bets with him...even though he gladly accepts the bets. He also has a problem with McMaster holding shares in two teams at the same time by proxy, even though he himself does the same thing. Ballantyne also comes under fire from Rankine for "participating" in discussions on Livingston's fate, and indeed tried to influence the vote...even though the end result of the meeting was for Livi to remain in the First. Am I correct so far? Rankine seems to be nothing more than a scumbag of the highest order. And this is the guy who will be part of the consortium running the country's most historically corrupt club. The vultures are roosting in the rafters at Almondvale.
  7. Welcome to P&B Mbozza. I missed your infantile ramblings on Broomfield Stomp. I see you've set the tone already...
  8. Why would Livi wish to remain members of an organization which they obviously hold in complete contempt? To paraphrase Groucho Marx: we don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like us as members. I think that was in his Communist Party Manifesto...
  9. Might need to add your name to the list as well, you being a P&B collaborator!
  10. Gordon McDougall upon hearing that the SFL had upheld Livingston's relegation to the Third Division.
  11. Un-fucking-believable. Livi fans have learned nothing NOTHING from this whole fiasco. It has been everyone else's incompetence that has led poor Livi to this point. West Lothian must have some mind-altering drugs in the water supply for them to actually believe the pish they are spouting. I genuinely had sympathy for Livi right up until today. Now, I hope the earth opens up and swallows them whole, then seals over again, taking all traces of Almondvale and those fucktards Rankine and McDougall with it. For the sake of putting this into perspective, it may well be prudent to compile an alphabetical list of whose fault Livi fans think this whole sordid clusterfuck is. I'll give a quick A-Z, but there are many, many more missing. Please feel free to add to it as you see fit. Airdrie United Blobby Hunter Cowdenbeath Duncan Freemason Everybodyfuckingelse Flynn GhostofJimMorton HibeeJibee Italians Jim Ballantyne Kenny Black Longmuir Massone Notfuckingus Organized Vote-Fixing Press Corps Quotes Attributed to Longmuir/Ballantyne/Black et al Reality SFL The Sixteen Clubs Who Voted To Uphold The Unfair Penalty On Us Unsympathetic Fans of Other Clubs VikingTON West Lothian Council X-Rays From Outer Space Yoss Zombies
  12. A FEW people though? Come on, the club are doing little other than alienating themselves. Are your club's masters so blinkered that they cannot see what their actions are doing to public opinion? You post also implies that you have a RIGHT to First Division football. No team has that right. Not even Livi.
  13. Livijames on LiviLions site: "If doing what we're allowed to do in trying to get our club back up to the top division possible upsets a few people, that's unfortunate." Priceless...
  14. So McGruther's "we will accept our punishment and move on" translates as "we will NOT accept our punishment, we will NOT move on, and we will take our case to the Intergalactic Court of Appeals if necessary."
  15. There are benefits to living five hours behind GMT, and tomorrow will be one of them. By the time I roll my arse out of bed, the decision should be in. I'll take my time, make a coffee, have some toast and jam, and saunter over to the porno box to check the BBC Website. There'll be none of this sitting around for the best part of the day waiting for news. I hope Livi survive tomorrow, for the sake of the decent fans, and for the sake of Scottish football in general. I also hope that McGruther and the consortium take whatever punishment the SFL choose to hand out with good grace and don't throw their dummies out of their prams...again.
  16. I see from the Livi Lions boards that there is allegedly still no safety certificate in place for Almondvale. If this is indeed true, and given that one way or another, Livi are scheduled to play at home on Saturday, what's the problem with the safety certificate? I hope they can get it sorted out for Saturday. The last thing they would need at this stage is yet another match called off. Can't blame the SFL, rival supporters, the press, Jim Ballantyne, or the P&B posters for this one...
  17. Shoddy journalism, real quotes: Dateline: Friday 14 August, 2009. From the Scottish Daily Rag: Livingston F.C. Representative May Have Been Tortured At SFL Hearing Livingston F.C. faced the threat of expulsion from the Scottish Football League on Thursday as the League Management Committee meet in secret to decide their fate. The LMC voted in secret, and all votes were confidential. Where was the transparency? Where was the accountability? Sadly, it seems to be lacking in the SFL. Clubs with perhaps a vested interest in the demise of Livingston Football Club decided their fate at an EGM of the LMC. Livingston’s representatives may have had to wait in a dark cupboard until the LMC decided their fate. When their fate was decided, interim manager Mr. McGruther may have been led blindfolded to the head of the LMC’s table, all the while facing boos, jeers, and a barrage of human feces. Upon arriving at the head of the table, a noose may have been placed around his neck while David Longmuir read the charges against Livingston. As the verdict was read out, the noose may have been tightened, until such times as Mr. McGruther lost consciousness. He may then have been unceremoniously deposited on the steps of the SFL headquarters with a press statement stapled to his forehead. When asked why the Livingston representative was roughed up, SFL chief David Longmuir may have said: “It is the second time in four years they have gone into administration and it is time people got the message and we resolve it." Mr. Longmuir was perhaps then asked if he had seen the welt the size of an apple of Donald McGruther’s ass, supposedly the result of one overzealous chairman scudding him with a belt buckle on the way past his seat. "It is something we will have to look at," replied Mr. Longmuir, with what appeared to be a smirk on his face. SFL president Brown McMaster may have defended the SFL’s decision to humiliate Mr. Longmuir before delivering their verdict. “"We're not getting cocky or confident or clever about it; we're trying to do what the clubs want," he said. It appears the SFL LMC may be getting tougher with teams who violate regulations. Many readers will recall the allegations of the depantsing Hamilton representatives suffered when they breached SFL rules. Other may remember the uncorroborated tales that Gretna officials suffered titty-twisters when they resigned from the Scottish Football League.
  18. Skewed journalism is all that it appears to be. It depends which questions the journo asked Longmuir and how they were phrased. Q: "In a hypothetical worst-case scenario, could Livingston be kicked out of the league?" A: "The matter has been referred to the committee - and yes, Livi could be kicked out." OR Q: "Do you think that the SFL self-preservation society will stick together and kick Livi out of the league?" A: "The matter has been referred to the committee - and yes, Livi could be kicked out." Q: "Do you believe that McGruther and the consortium broke any rules other than the one they have already breached when they decided to refrain from playing on Saturday? Do you think they acted in the best interests of all SFL clubs, or do you think they acted in their own interests?" A: "They have breached another rule by telling us they are not turning up to fulfil a fixture. We have a responsibility to clubs, fans and sponsors and were not going to have a gun held to our head by Livi trying to put the blame on us." OR Q: "Have Livi pissed you off more by throwing their rattle out of the pram on Friday and holding their breath until they got their own way?" A: "They have breached another rule by telling us they are not turning up to fulfil a fixture. We have a responsibility to clubs, fans and sponsors and were not going to have a gun held to our head by Livi trying to put the blame on us." Q: " How many times in recent history have Livi gone into administration? Do you think the SFL should take steps to stop this sort of thing happening repeatedly? A: "It is the second time in four years they have gone into administration and it is time people got the message and we resolve it." OR Q: "Aren't you sick and tired of Livi pissing on everyone else's shoes? Who runs the league, you or them? Are you going to do anything about it? Pussy." A: "It is the second time in four years they have gone into administration and it is time people got the message and we resolve it." It's not what Longmuir said, it's the questions that he was asked. It's easy to take words out of context to make things appear whatever way you want them to appear. Anyone who picks up any newspaper should know that.
  19. I know you know who I am, but I just can't put my finger on (or up) you...
  20. Skyline, does Airdrieonians' final game against Ayr United count as a fixture unfulfilled? It was abandoned, and never replayed as Airdrieonians were wound up before that could happen as far as I remember.
  21. Donald McGruther after hearing the SFL had demoted Livingston to the Third Division.
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