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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. Only mentioned it because if he goes there would be only about 13 outfield players left if you don't include the younger players. Didn't pass any comment on his ability. Why the ridicule?
  2. You can add Riley-Snow to that list. His contract is up in January and might not be renewed.
  3. Sorry, but that's just plain daft. Gullan's the answer, not moving Zanatta. And please stop going on and on and on about 17 and 18 year olds as if they're the finished article.
  4. And considering his replacement was mcglynn we did not too bad out of it. Did Levein not recommend McGlynn to the board?
  5. How can a team be fighting for their lives after 3 or 4 games?
  6. RaithTV at the end of today's interview: Thanks for that John and good luck. Nae bother.
  7. He has connections to Kirkcaldy. Not sure how long he's been over there.
  8. Will be really interesting to see how Dario Zanatta gets on tonight.
  9. It's back. https://www.raithrovers.net/49951/club-statement-dylan-tait.htm
  10. Maybe we could get Mr Sim to negotiate the development fee due to Aberdeen down in the same way he did with the transfer of Dylan Tait. Just a thought.
  11. According to his profile on https://www.raithrovers.net/players he's still our player. If only.
  12. We have previous. Lots of it. Callachan was the first and only offer and it was accepted. Sim said later that it was a mistake although he didn't admit that it cost us promotion.
  13. If you get your magnifying glass out you can just about see the 6pm kick-off. https://www.raithrovers.net/49874/ticket-sales-v-ayr.htm
  14. And if he is you can bet that Sim will sell him for pennies in the near future.
  15. It's not just the development fund. I'm a season ticket holder and I just can't be arsed any more. As things stand I really don't know when I'll go back. What's the point when your own board treats you like shit?
  16. I don't know if McGlynn and Smith have any say in the transfer of players but surely their advice should be sought as to the valuation of said players before the sale takes place. I'd like to hear John Sim's reasoning behind the valuations of Callachan and Tait. In the case of Tait how can the price be as low as £100,000 but he's deemed worthy of a 4 year contract at Hibs?
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