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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. How can a full time team only stay the pace for 45 minutes?
  2. There hasn't been standing in that spot for nearly 40 years. ETA Mind you, there hasn't been sittting in it for nearly 20.
  3. Here's a rather strong message for the board regarding the use of the Railway Stand.
  4. If McGlynn seriously believes the rubbish in this article he's lost it. The reason we're not getting results is because we leak like a sieve at the back. Fortunately his hand has been forced in that matter but what does he do? He complains that he'll have to unsettle the midfield so that he won't have to play Watson, Murray, McKay and Crane as his back four. Even playing Murray, Wedderburn, McKay and Crane at the back would be fine but no, it's complaint after complaint at the moment. McGlynn's beginning to sound like Dalziel. Added to that, the play is fucking awful.
  5. According to McGlynn on Raith TV he's saying that to fix the defence there could be a knock on effect or two in midfield. That to me means Wedderburn partnering Murray at the centre of defence and Gillespie taking Murray's place. It seems that under no circumstances will McKay ever get a game.
  6. McGlynn is saying that our best centre half is responding to treatment and might make it back for Saturday.
  7. Update on Lewis. Long road back but will be hugely important for us next season.
  8. Dingwall is not a winger, McGuffie is not a footballer and Buchanan is like playing a man short. Apart from it's okay.
  9. Sorry to say this, but the bit about Davidson might be a blessing.
  10. If you're in need of a laugh have a look at these valuations.
  11. The lights have been on at least 3 evenings this week when I passed, so it is being used.
  12. Listening to McGlynn post match, I'm sorry but the man is deluded. You have to seriously question his judgement. Davidson was fucking honking when he was on the pitch - Arbroath's best player.
  13. The one plus from today was that Davidson didn't appear for the second half. Hope he wasn't injured and that we have finally seen the last of him. Him screaming at Nisbet in the first half for not challenging for one of his aimless punts up the park was pathetic.
  14. So many duds out there today - Davidson, Flanagan, Barjonas, Buchanan, McGuffie. Why McGlynn chose to play Dingwall wide left only he knows. There was not one single driving run from midfield this afternoon, not one. But there could have been if Dingwall had been playing centre mid, the position occupied by Barjonas. Instead it was passing from side to side to side with not a single shot at goal that I can remember. Mind numbingly predictable and so easy to defend against.
  15. Turnstile situation as of yesterday - testing sometime today but tickets still required.
  16. I meant that there would be no change to the defence. That aside, for you to have posted the above is just plain stupid. What an ignorant jumped up dummy f**k wit you truly are.
  17. Drysdale must be dreading his multi million pound return to the UK.
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