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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. Did one of our directors not have a hand in screwing up the registration?
  2. According to the itk poster on Fantalk Murray and Nisbet have gone.
  3. Losing Nisbet and re-signing Davo on the same day might send me over the edge.
  4. Looks like we'll have to wait a bit to see who else is staying. McGlynn is about to take a holiday but has already started work on next season’s squad, though it has thrown up some difficulties. “It’s been a wee bit awkward because we are two weeks behind other teams and players, within a day or two of the last match, took off on holiday without giving us a chance to speak to them,” he said. “I would rather speak to the players individually and in the best case situation, face-to-face, but I’ve not always been able to do it. “So that’s why we phoned Chris Duggan on Sunday before he went off on holiday on Monday to tell him we wouldn’t be renewing his contract. Added to that, Nat Wedderburn, Liam Buchanan and Nathan Flanagan fall into that category. “There is still negotiating to be done. We have 12 players who were contracted to be here next year as well, but right now we don’t know which of them will be here. https://www.fifetoday.co.uk/sport/football/raith-rovers-boss-mcglynn-looks-to-shore-up-his-defence-for-next-season-1-4933042
  5. Why would you utilize a long ball merchant as a coach?
  6. No thanks to the second option. There's a well worn path to Bayview for players past their best.
  7. ...and also Brad Spencer who's out of contract at Forfar.
  8. Notice Gaston has been released. I'd be happy with him as first choice keeper if we could get him. I'd much rather we try for Wright again.
  9. VT is a very shy chap in real life. Socially awkward.
  10. Frank will be along any minute to confirm one way or the other.
  11. But the title of this thread is Confirmed Transfers is it not?
  12. So David Mitchell is a confirmed signing for Dumbarton is he? If he's not why have you posted this?
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