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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. Meanwhile, Premier League side Swansea have apparently made an £800,000 bid for Falkirk’s Tony Gallacher, but he is apparently ready to remain in Scotland. Easy seen where our problems lie.
  2. But we're not a selling club. We're a 'giving away for f**k all club'
  3. There are also people who haven't been back to Stark's since the railway stand was closed. It's crying out to be reopened as the seated stand it once was.
  4. Raith keen to keep Vaughan beyond transfer window - FFP. ETA I was kind of hoping that would come from someone higher up than Cuthbert.
  5. Out of interest does anyone know how many players Dundee or United have paid cash for in the recent past?
  6. How many announcements do you want Jim? Every man and his dug knows the score.
  7. You don't wish someone all the best for the future whilst keeping that person on in some capacity, But this is Rovers, so who knows?
  8. He's been at odds with the board for quite some time trying to get the player budget reduced. The board have resisted every time and because Sim has, as yet, no clout he's had to back down. On one occasion he wanted to play all of the youth team just to get the wages down. Money is his priority, nothing else. On the second point, you could be correct.
  9. More recently he stated that we should be a junior club.
  10. That view would appear to be at odds with John Sim's view of how the club should be run. “Since the 2005 ‘rescue’ RRFC has lost on average close to £100k per year. We do not have the exact numbers for the past season but in total to date it will be in excess of £1m. “This was not the plan at the time. Our aim then was and remains to put RRFC on a sustainable stable financial footing.”
  11. Matthews in today's FFP. Encouraging words for David McKay at the foot of the article.
  12. We're significantly stronger than last year if only because Locke and Hughes have left. We've now got a manager who doesn't resort to hoof ball and who treats people with respect. We've got a fit goalkeeper in Aaron Lennox, Ewan Murray's been signed and is playing really well in place of Kevin McHattie, Jason Thomson is fit again, Iain Davidson's suspended for this game, Scott Robertson's fit again after 12 months out, Lewis Vaughan is back and we've signed Liam Buchanan and Greig Spence. Not got a clue how Saturday's game will go but we are a much improved team and that's all down to Barry Smith.
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