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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. Darren Young's recent record in League 1: D L D D L L L D W W D D W L L L L That's 3 wins in 17 games. With that form and our board he's a shoe in.
  2. Also the players were busy apologising to Drysdale and Young for making them look like chimps.
  3. After all the cock ups do you trust the board to get it right?
  4. Doesn't mince his words does Matthew Elder in Fife Today. In a season of baffling decisions, the mismanagement of Lewis Vaughan was the biggest blunder of all, and the sight of the youngster in tears on Pratt Street on Saturday should shame all who were involved in putting a 21-year-old in an impossible position.
  5. From today's Courier: As bizarre decisions go, farming the front man out to the Sons is right up there. Hindsight is a wonderful gift but even a blind man could see at the time that loaning one of your most promising young strikers to Championship rivals who were sitting just four points behind Rovers in the table at the time was utter madness.
  6. If we're talking money, how much does the difference between what Dumbarton and Brechin could afford to pay compare with the cost of relegation? On his development, the only person who hindered that was Gary Locke. However, the point made was that the only interest came from Dumbarton and it was not, according to said director. It's a bit like the David Bates transfer - who do you believe, Drysdale or Locke.
  7. I spoke to a director. ETA He told me that there was interest from Brechin and that he was not selected to be on the interview panel. Those who did the selecting selected themselves.
  8. That's just not true. There was interest from Brechin. The decision to send him to Dumbarton was a financial one and Drysdale has his fingers all over that one. On the point of the interview panel, certain board members were excluded from the interview process by Drysdale. Why does this man exert so much power at Stark's?
  9. Pity Turnbull wasn't still around to sort them all out. What a clueless bunch of tossers.
  10. How long does it take to write a letter of resignation?
  11. I've had strong views on Drysdale for more years than I care to remember. I still don't get how the guy has engineered himself into the most important position within the club despite having invested no money. The exact opposite is now the case because he's taking a salary from the position, which wasn't the case when he initially became secretary. We survived before without a CEO and could no doubt do so again.
  12. I'm sick to death of the type of manager we appoint. In Drysdale's time on the board we've had McVeigh, Hetherston, Scott, Calderon, Anelka, Dalziel, Levein, McGlynn, Murray, McKinnon, Locke and Hughes. Of that lot only Calderon and McKinnon played the game properly. For that very reason I don't want McGlynn back. I hate with a passion his 'style' of football. That would also rule out Darren Young, already a dinosaur at the age of 38. The one man who could genuinely do a job and change the way we play is presently on our books. Give the job to Craig Easton - he's head and shoulders above anyone else and we know exactly what we're getting. So, the message to the board is this - for once in your lives get the appointment right and give the job to a man who actually knows how to get the best out of players, how to promote team spirit and how to play a passing game. By the look of the development squad he's also got a good eye for a player.
  13. He'd keep Rovers in League One for a third straight season.
  14. Beggars can't be choosers and all that, but please not Darren Young.
  15. If Drysdale had any intention of walking an announcement would have been made by now. Instead it looks like he's appointed himself as chief executioner. So far the manager and his assistant have gone and there are rumours circulating about the players' futures... but nothing about Drysdale. I have no faith in the c**t making the right decisions on anything any more. Just go, and leave someone else to pick up the pieces of your car crash tenure at Stark's.
  16. Dictators don't generally ask for something to be rubber-stamped.
  17. That's the sort of thing I heard from a director. Locke wanted him out and Drysdale pushed him in the direction of Dumbarton because they were willing to pay his wages. On the point of directors and their influence, some of them were not involved in the appointment of Gary Locke. Might all come out in the wash quite soon.
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