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Everything posted by Beachbum

  1. For those that can't get the paper edition below is part of the online article.
  2. He certainly is a good prospect but he's not the only one. Personally I'd like to see them all spend another year with Craig Easton because they'd be all the stronger for it. I hope they get a decent turn out for the last league game next Tuesday.
  3. Skacel suspended for Hibs game. Handling no doubt can't play against Hibs as well.
  4. I would agree with that. This was the state of affairs 2 years ago: The open invite AGM, which was attended by around 50 supporters, took place in the Raith Suite and started with chairman Young announcing profits of £97,000 for the year to June 30, 2014. He explained that the most of the profit was a result of the income generated from the live televised Scottish Cup quarter-final against St Johnstone, adding that the Ramsdens Cup run produced little extra income. The balance sheet showed a deficit of £507,000 but Young explained that £427,000 was due to internal creditors, with only £80,000 due to the “outside world”. “All tax payments are up to date and there is no bank borrowing,” he added. “We have costs under control.”
  5. You'll get all the answers here. It's not something the ordinary supporter is privy to.
  6. The date on that BBC article was about the same time he resigned from Starks Park Properties first time around.
  7. Perhaps paying off Grant Murray would account for almost all of the loss.
  8. The problem is that most of the development squad are only 17 or 18, indeed James Collins is only 16. The oldest guys are Yaw Osei and Andreas Thorsen who are 19 and Jonny Court at 21. The irony is that Court is now probably too old.
  9. Utterly scandalous that someone has decided who the supporters can or cannot vote for. If a player has been on the pitch for 1 second this season he should be on the list, regardless of where he is now.
  10. Here's the link. I really wanted to vote for Lewis Vaughan to send a message to the board, but he's not on the list despite having played more games than Osei, who is on the list.
  11. On your plan to demolish the railway stand, you'd have to remove what the stand sits on, ie the banking for the railway track. Not too sure how British Rail would feel about that. The cost of shoring up the banking would probably be prohibitive so far better to just open it up to home fans, as Frank suggested above. It would also do wonders for the board's popularity.
  12. Probably better to demolish the main stand and put your bar in there. Also, it would be a great opportunity to do away with the directors' box.
  13. You really are scraping the barrel with that lot and there are some important facts that you've conveniently missed out as well. Sean Murdoch had 11 under 18 Scotland caps with Hearts and was there for several years before he got anywhere near Dunfermline. He left you having played the sum total of 5 first team games in 4 years. Stefan Scougall was with Hibs youth from 2003-09. After joining you he was kicked out 9 months later for being 5 foot 7 inches. Even your own supporters admit that giving Scougall a free was a monumental blunder. Gone are the days when you signed and developed players like Alex Smith (1958), Eddie Connachan (1958), Cammie Fraser (1959), George Miller (1959), Jim Herriot (1960), Jackie Sinclair (1960), Alex Edwards (1961), John Lunn (1962), Tommy Callaghan (1962), Jim Fraser (1963) and Eric Martin (1964). Dunfermline Athletic produced more players in that 6 year spell than in almost all of the nearly 60 years since combined. But that was then and nowadays it's teams like Livingston, Hamilton, Motherwell and Falkirk that have the best track records for producing quality players. Snodgrass, McCarthy, Murphy and Fulton did not play Dunfermline's youth team. But McHattie, Murdoch and Williamson did. Lol wut my arse.
  14. Crossan is the only 18 player of note to make it from Dunfermline's youth/reserve team in the last 20 years and he has yet to kick a ball for Celtic's first team. Before him you have to go back 10 years to Sean Murdoch, but he was a product of Hearts youth. Before that there's Greg Ross (2005) and Colin Nish (1998). If Crossan doesn't make it you won't have produced a decent player since Jackie McNamara, 24 years ago. On the point of PJ ching ££££, how much money did you receive in 1992 when you told Stevie Crawford to f**k off because he wasn't good enough? Happy days.
  15. I'll grant you we haven't been very good of late but of all the full time teams in Scotland Dunfermline have the worst track record of producing players from their youth teams. I can't tell you how happy that makes me feel.
  16. We've got 2 excellent prospects from Fife Elite FA in Ryan Stevenson and James Berry. Also, we got Kyle Bell through a roundabout route but he was with Fife Elite until last summer. Let's face it we're not going to get a return on this in just a year or two, if at all, but we have to give it a go. The alternative is to let Dunfermline have it all to themselves and, pish as they are at youth development, I'd rather not.
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