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Everything posted by expatowner

  1. So have I: 1. Turkey IS a member of the EU 2. Turkey ISN'T a member of the EU.
  2. you forgot all the funny handshakes as they were having a coffee before entering the courtroom
  3. This is everybodies last chance to tell your chairman how you feel about this before they vote. Find out your clubs e-mail address and fire off a short note telling them your feelings about Rangers. It's NOW or NEVER.
  4. Perhaps the chairmen suspect (know) other clubs also had EBT's (to a smaller degree) but will usher Rangers back to the SPL in the hope that it all gets hushed up?
  5. No. Butchers just been on saying they have a budget that caters for Rangers being in the SPL next year.
  6. We should all take a few minutes to write to our clubs, SFA, SPL etc letting them know how we feel. Keep the pressure on.
  7. Correct. Everybody should let their club know how they feel. Find the fax number and fire off a letter copied to the SPL and SFA.
  8. Good on ya for giving it (gambling) up. I won't go and see a game involving Rangers or Celtic. EVERYBODY should let their club know NOW how they feel about any upcoming vote.
  9. If the newco Rangers start in the 3rd division the other teams should collude to let one team (say Stirling) win each of its games by a barrow load. We then just have to hope Rangers drop a few matches and miss out on immediate promotion. Rinse and repeat throughout the 2nd and 1st and they could take a while to get back to the top flight! :-)
  10. I doubt if they have the brains to do what Rangers are attempting.
  11. So who does the real work at Starks Park then? Who pays the management and players? Who files team sheets and bookings and arranges transport and meals for matches? Who manages the ground staff and office people and turnstile operators and security and ball boys and mascots and press releases? Is it all part-timers who do the work for free? How much work to the real owners actually do themselves? Genuinely interested.
  12. Are you still in Hong KOng?

    I have been here 12 years but am now packing up.

    Want to buy a car with a RA1TH number plate?

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