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black and gold army

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Everything posted by black and gold army

  1. Waiting on Huybrechts and O'Connor for 50 quid.
  2. Championship League Darts started today. Group one consists of: Phil Taylor, Adrian Lewis, Simon Whitlock, Wes Newton, Andy Hamilton, Terry Jenkins and Gary Anderson. After 3 games, Anderson leads the way. Beating Newton, Wade and Whitlock.
  3. 1st round exit as per. Nothing changes. Andy Boulton was the winner. Anderson got put out in the quarters, he really didn't play that good.
  4. Superb stuff. Only ever got to the 6th dart before fucking it up.
  5. Totally forgot this was on. What games have I missed?
  6. Yeah hopefully I get him first round. Would be a great experience. Quite alot of people pulled out because he's in it.
  7. Listen pixie doll i've telt ye before, yer no getting a dry ride!
  8. Would anyone nip it aff for me?
  9. Gary Anderson been fined £600 and banned from the next 3 PDC events. Looking forward to the Alloa Masters on Friday. Anderson, Hankey, Fitton and Nicholson will all be there. 4 pro's vs 4 local lads. Should be some cracking matches and maybe a wee upset or two.
  10. Darts won't be the same without Sid
  11. Decided to tune in tonight and forgot AJ was Raw's GM now. Ridiculous
  12. Game over. Got back into it then shat a brick. Taylor won't mess this lead up now.
  13. Just tuned in for the last few legs there. Terrible darts from Ando. Struggling to hit the big 20. Give it up son.
  14. Wanted to hear Road Dogg's entrance music
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eThl2OayKRw Belter
  16. Not watched the wrestling for a few weeks now. Great one is back tonight so i'll be tuning in.
  17. Great night at the darts last night. Did anyone see the group of smurfs? They were a proper mad bunch. If anyone noticed the group of lads behind Barney and Lewis when being interviewed, then you would have seen me.
  18. Didn't want to take too much credit for yous winning the league so thought I'd mention our relegation escape.
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