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Sherrif John Bunnell

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Posts posted by Sherrif John Bunnell

  1. Got the 1000g in Toy Story 3. I was really surprised at how good this game was, especially the toybox mode. Although there is a ludicrous amount of stuff to collect, probably more than in the Lego games.

  2. Usually when the first one goes, a whole bunch are sure to follow, so anyone care to guess who else will be future endeavoured?

    I'll go for:

    Yoshi Tatsu

    Brodus Clay

    Curt Hawkins



    Chris Maters

    According to his Twitter, Chavo requested his release, so maybe there isn't going to be an immediate clearout. Although I do agree that all those you mention could be released soon. I would add Primo, Kozlov, Gail Kim, Melina, The Usos, Trent Barreta and Zach Ryder to the punted list

  3. Chavo would have been released many years ago if it wasn't for his surname. The only time I was interested in him during the last 5 years was when he feuded with Punk in ECW. The only other thing I can remember is him jobbing to Hornswoggle on a regular basis.

    I'm sure TNA will snap him up when his no-compete claude is up.

  4. Survivor Series 2001 was a masterclass from JR and Heyman, in fact that whole PPV is one of my all time favourites. It's just a shame the rest of the Invasion angle wasn't half as well booked. I think Lawler returned the next night on Raw after his absence when he took the huff at his talentless wife being sacked. That was the same Raw Austin turned face and Ric Flair returned. More exciting things happened over those two days in 2001 than have happened in the 9 years of WWE programming since then!

  5. Has anyone else seen the best of Nitro DVD set? I've just finished watching it and it really brought back some great memories as I was a huge WCW fan back in the day. Some of the matches and angles were brilliant, especially the stuff from the early days of the NWO. I was also reminded of how awesome DDP and his entrance music was! However by disc 3 it is really obvious that WCW was on a downward slope, inspired by Russo. I also found it interesting that there is no censoring of Benoit at all on this, he is shown and named on several occasions and his full entrance is shown when the Horsemen reunited.

    It's a really great DVD set and I urge anyone with an interest in 90's wrestling to get hold of it, it's amazing to see how far WCW was ahead of the WWF between 96 and 98. I might even tune into Cartoon Network on Friday night at 9pm in the hope that TNT comes on with a new episode of Nitro! :lol:

  6. The Ross County Facebook page is, in general, annoying. The number of people who post ridiculous things is irritating but at the same time it is refreshing for me to know that these people are (hopefully) not on here tarnishing the good Ross County fan reputation.

    The thing that annoyed me today was someone saying that Michael McGovern has more SPL experience than Michael Fraser because he was at Dundee United. McGovern made 1 SPL appearance for Dundee United, but I can't bear trying to explain that because I'll probably be told that I can't be a real County fan for not toeing the party line that our players are the best and always have been the best <_<

    Aye, there are some right window lickers on that page. I only follow it as it is often the first place to announce any news regarding the club. The 'McGovern in talks with Falkirk' update yesterday really had the idiots out in force, especially the first comment that got 9 likes! Thankfully only RFC95 and Tyler seemed to have made it to P&B from there.

  7. I'm really enjoying Slammiversary, although it is the first TNA programming I have watched in months. Bully Ray vs AJ Styles was a great old school brawl, I felt the ending was a bit weak though. I also seen that Mickie James still hasn't learned how to do her finisher! :lol:

    Maybe TNA will be bearable to watch if I wait another 6 months before watching it again.

  8. Good news indeed.

    Here is the quote from the OS.

    Derek Adams announced today that Stuart Balmer will be re-joining Ross County as Assistant Manager. Derek said "I am delighted Stuart has agreed to join my backroom team. He is familiar with the squad after working here for the past 6 months and he brings a good work ethic and provides stability to the football club".
  9. Got 1000/1200 in L.A. Noire, hopefully I can get up to 1200 when the DLC goes on the marketplace. Really good game with easy achievements, apart from finding all 95 cars which was a pain in the arse.

    Gamestation are offering £35 store credit for this so I might put it back and maybe get Dirt 3 or Portal 2 and rent it or buy it cheap in the future when the DLC is available.

  10. Apparently it is going to be a 'patriotic' Raw tonight after the events of the past 24 hours. FFS, I wonder what the odds are on a Bin Laden lookalike being beaten up?

    I think my time watching WWE programming is coming to an end.

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