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  1. Yes, Cammy out for a few weeks with a wee knock, should be back soon though.
  2. Tranent have also lost Lennon Walker to Caley Braves, we did however receive a substantial fee for him moving. Don't let them kid themselves that they aren't paying big wages to attract these young lads like Butterworth and Walker.
  3. McGowan plus cash for the transfer to be agreed, good business for the club.
  4. Sorry CJ, but I just don't get why changing players would make you uncomfortable? I would guess that over the last few years the team you used to support Musselburgh have had a fair share of players coming and going, but as I alluded to previously that's just football. Last season we used 24 players who all played a minimum 10 times for the team, that's not a big squad when you consider the number of games the team played during the season, it must have been circa 60?
  5. CJ, how can the turnover of players and managers concern you since the move from the Juniors? The club has went from strength to strength since then, winning the EOS league and then winning the play off which resulted in promotion to the LL. Players come and go, that's just part of the game.
  6. He did sign a new deal, any move will require a fee paid to Tranent.
  7. He's a pain in the a*** but a very good player, has extended his contract for a further season.
  8. Tranent didn't buy any players at the beginning of the season, guys like McIntyre, Higgy, Brett, Gray, Horne, Jones, Walker & Broque were all frees so to compare us with the EK spend is way of the mark. We did however sell Daryl Healy, Oban Anderson, Nicky Reid, Cal Donaldson, Aiden Walsh and the Bull. Other players like Kane O'Conner, Shaun Rutherford and Craig Barr also left Foresters as free agents. Our finishing position has been disappointing to everyone involved, but the financial outlay at the beginning of the season was in fact a plus figure for the club rather than the suggested negative from Newton BU.
  9. Tranent have played 53 games during this season with two more remaining next two Saturdays. Split on completion will be 35 on a Saturday, 2 on a Sunday and 18 midweek fixtures. The last few months have been crazy for the players.
  10. The frustrating thing for Tranent is this is now the third cancellation to the home fixture v Celtic B. Special mention to the Lowland League Board for allowing this to happen.
  11. Why wouldn't you blame the board? Celtic B have fulfilled fixtures Friday 5th Jan, Wednesday 10th Jan and have a further fixture scheduled for Saturday 13th January but the board allowed them to cancel Tuesday 16th Jan, there's no logic in there decision. Celtic will return to training next week to prepare for the Scottish cup game next weekend after the winter break. Are we now saying the B team players will now enjoy some time off after Saturdays game......don't think so, do you?
  12. Tranent F.C. v Celtic F.C. (SLFL) on 16/01/2024 Tranent F.C. v Celtic F.C. Lowland Football League Tue 16-Jan-2024 KO 19:45 This match has been postponed. Reason: Premiership break - player availability Thank you for taking note. https://www.scottishfalive.co.uk The club received notification late last night that Celtic B requested the game to be postponed. Reason: Premiership Break - player availability Just another example of why B teams should be no where near the SLFL. It's absolutely farcical that the SLFL have rolled over and had their bellies ticked and allowed the postponement.
  13. Game on Boxing Day v Civil Service Despite Tranent, Civil and all the officials agreeing to a 1.30pm KO on Tuesday 26th December 2023, the Lowland League Board rejected our request, seemingly they required two weeks notice for such a big change to the fixture rather than the one week we gave them. Is this what happens going forward when we don't vote for the B teams in the league?? KO 3pm. Here's wishing all our loyal supporters a very Merry Xmas and we look forward to seeing a at the game Tuesday afternoon 3pm
  14. Tranent have already tabled a change to the current relegation/promotion places. We wrote to the secretary last week with a motion for two up and two down every season, we now require a seconder for this change to be discussed at the next LL meeting.
  15. Tranent FC will once again vote NO to B teams within the already unfair pyramid system, we will however be in favour of more automatic promotion places into the Lowland league, our stance hasn't wavered over the years.
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