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Posts posted by NotThePars

  1. Shiv had like 500 opportunities to act vaguely like she liked Tom and she couldn't do it. Superb. 

    Kendall's the only one who could topple Logan now. Not a sicko, not completely incompetent and finally admitted he's a killer.

  2. On 02/12/2021 at 14:21, Detournement said:

    It's been nearly two years since I finished the sixth Knausgaard book and I don't know if I will ever be able to handle a reread but I do miss reading him. The football book sounds good.

    Aye same. I've hesitantly started Spring which promises some more of that good oversharing Karl Ove.

    On 10/12/2021 at 21:07, Richey Edwards said:

    I have never seen the film.

    The book is fucking terrible though. Genuinely one of the worst books I've read.

    One of the adaptations which is far better than the source material.

    On 14/12/2021 at 08:51, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

    Will give this a read sounds terrific, cheers mate.


    I am just finishing Dune, having listened to the audiobook and seen the film earlier this year. I love Dune, I am now a Dune-head. I have the Mars Trilogy ready to go and will go as far as the weird sex stuff in the Dune sequels allows, but don't really know my science fiction very well at all. What are some other series/books people would recommend? 

    Read The Dispossessed. The Expanse is also a series that starts off alright and gets better and better as it goes. Books 5/6-9 are tremendous.

    Also second GBH's response @DiegoDiegothat Banffy book sounds class. Gonna start that after the final Expanse book.

  3. I know some social workers and they tell me that children and families is the department that most people don't want to work in, hence they get filled with agency staff who are less experienced and likely to leave.  I assume this is the same across different departments.
    If anyone fancies an utterly grim read, the profiles of Smith and Brockhill on the local Bradford paper website.  

    Not in social work but the department we have that is most closely related to dealing directly with this sort of thing is also staffed with agency workers because again, aye, nobody wants to work there given the high stress and serious consequences if you mess up.
  4. My cousin and his gf came down for the Warehouse Project last weekend and caught the Covid and I’m clear despite being in amongst it with them.

    Obvs a bit of a shanner even though they’ll be fine for Christmas but I’m hooting and hollering at me going to six WHP events this year and an 80,000 capacity festival and waltzing through without a scratch.

  5. 12 hours ago, ICTChris said:

    One of the social services cases’ raised about the mother and partner was dismissed by social services as malicious. It hasn’t been stated exactly why but it seems likely it was concluded the complaints were motivated by prejudice against travellers and lesbians. The child was killed a week later.

    The heads of social services at Bradford Council has already resigned, the department had previously been severely criticised by inspectors in 2018. 

    One of the reasons the department was heavily criticised was that they were haemorrhaging staff when the case numbers were soaring.

  6. 1 hour ago, pozbaird said:

    They win because Scottish Labour collapsed.

    Right I don't like the SNP much but this didn't just happen out of nowhere, the SNP were largely responsible for this. The opposition might be shite but the SNP have to a substantial extent caused that collapse in a feasible opposition by being a reasonably competent political party for the last 14+ years. Far and away the most competent in the UK however damning that faint praise is.

  7. The Matrix Reloaded (2003) dir. The Wachowskis

    Idk if it's months of near Avatar level revisionism or the onslaught of soulless blockbuster monstrosities in the years since the movie was initially released but this fucking rocks man. I can't believe I was ever part of the "the sequels are bad" stuff. 

    The action sometimes feels a bit weightless and nobody ever really feels in any danger but that's sacrificed in favour of making everything and everyone look and sound ultra cool which it succeeds in. The gestures to the world beyond the movie has me wanting to dive right back in to all the extended media. Even the scenes everyone hated, like the rave scene, are class. It's the only time I feel the movies attempt to visually counter Cypher's belief that ignorance is better than taking the red pill.

    Knowing it was supposed to be Will Smith makes Keanu Reeves more enjoyable as well. His kinda stilted speaking works throughout especially as everyone else (Lawrence Fishbourne in particular) match it. The only real deviations are the Hugo Weaving who's a scene stealing villain every time he appears again and the Merovingian who sounds like he's having a whale of a time.

    Also anyone that hates this movie when the Freeway scene exists deserves a scheme booting. Lawrence Fishbourne has a sword and a gun. 

  8. 7 hours ago, Rodhull said:

    They added free missions to both Odyssey and Valhalla where the story of the games cross over. I just played the oddysey part and it was a pretty decent fairwell to the game. Thought it would be just a couple of missions but they added a whole island with quite a few extra things to do and explore besides the main plot missions.

    Will play the Valhalla stuff eventually but I've kind of been sickened by it as there's just so much of the game and its dlcs. I've completed the main Irish stuff but barely started the Paris DLC so would likely finish that before doing the Odyssey crossover stuff.

    They also announced another Valhalla expansion that is supposedly over 35 hours long and is about £35, due out in march. Not sure I'll bother with it tbh.

    The games are too long. At the point now where a nice 12 hours is perfect for me. I think I put about 115 hours into Valhalla as pure junk food play.

  9. Aye, I think they'll look back with satisfaction. Even privately, there's not many politicians who will regret much. It's not how they're wired.

    I don’t think shows like Succession, The Thick if It or Veep are miles off the mark. It wouldn’t surprise me if yer Gordons* etc just hate the public rather than thinking they did anything wrong.

    *Brown and S
  10. In all of this I'm reminded of what someone once said about Gordon Brown when he finally got his chance to be PM and royally fucked it up overnight.
    Imagine spending your whole life trying to achieve a particular career objective. You burn the midnight oil, sacrifice family and a social life in the process. To get there you need to lose friends, make enemies and they pile up in your debt column but the focus is on the prize and that's all that matters. And then one day, the stars align and you achieve your life's goal. The job is yours. The tears and pain were worth it............and within days you realise you are completely and criminally useless at it and hopelessly out of your depth.
    I imagine this is exactly how Sturgeon, Swinney and Humza must be feeling right now.
    They strike me as being perfectly decent people.
    And if I'm right about them being perfectly decent people, they'll be sitting at home right now with maybe a mug of tea or a brandy, staring at the roaring fireplace or perhaps a wall in their front room. And realising deep in their hearts that they are absolutely the wrong people for the jobs they are in but there's no realistic way out of it.
    Personally, I wouldn't be able to sleep until my resignation letter had been written, distributed to the press outlets, my bags were packed and I was on my way back to my home where I could try and find something more suited to my ability (not writing porn films before ANYONE starts up).
    I also imagine this is how the likes of Ferguson, Deepti, Pagel, Sridhar, Michie and all the others must be feeling too when they turn off the lights at night. They can all brazen it out under the media spotlight but you cannot bullshit your inner self.
    And if all of them weren't such insufferable c***s, I might even feel sorry for them.

    I don’t think Sturgeon, Yousaf and Swinney feel that at all they’ve been vindicated pretty consistently by public opinion, polling numbers, the recent storming election results, their own party’s recent divisions being largely resolved through a voluntary exit of the cranks, and even the opposition broadly falling in line behind them at every turn. Even a media generally hostile to their end goal is currently more deferential when compared to the coverage Johnson is currently getting.
  11. I almost feel sorry at the folk getting excited for him overtaking BJ in an individual preference poll or two, as if there is going to be an election any time soon anyway. The Tory grandees and the press have finally decided they're fine with trying to force Johnson to step down and as soon as Sunak or whomever replaces him it'll be back to where we were a couple of months back. When we do reach an election the Labour ground game will have all but evaporated anyway.
    But he's doing exactly what the ghouls want so the 20% of media capital in this country that leans centre instead of far right will talk it up. A "great" Marina Hyde column inbound no doubt

    I’ve almost definitely been at the same club event as McTernan in the past and you have to say fair play to having genuine decent cultural tastes and nothing else
  12. This poster appreciates every single one of you: the humble lurker, the Juniors squabbling online and offline, every alias that just couldn’t quit, the dearly departed who couldn’t hack it, every poster who dreams of posting their way into the daily top ten, all the boys who gave themselves brain worms on the Covid thread, and everyone else besides.

    Special shout out to Slippery P and Big Doddy Kane though for all the tunes they’ve shared over the year

  13. I get the impulse and I don’t want clubs closed either but the owners of places like the Sub Club don’t give the slightest shite about their staff who often are the more cautious about reopening.

    Sacha Lord was the loudest voice down here about the reopenings and he’s did more to damage Manchester’s nightlife than anyone else (Covid included). That’s before you get to how badly his staff are paid and how his venues have a decent chance of giving you dysentery.

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