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Posts posted by NotThePars

  1. For me one of the craziest cases of a celebrity getting away with it is the film director Roman Polanski (sp?) who is guilty and wanted for either rape or some sexual abuse against a young teenage girl. Not sure if the guy is still alive but I know through the 80s and 90s he was still making movies but just never went back to the States.
    In a similarly strange one what about Woody Allen and his relationship with his step daughter.

    A load of famous people signed the letter demanding the case was dropped as well. Proper depressing list.
  2. His kayfabe commentary from 2014-15 still cracks me up. Insisting week after week that Tyler Breeze had specially told him to inform the audience that his boots were made especially from shit like endangered llama fur.

  3. On 04/01/2022 at 00:50, welshbairn said:

    Was Britain still making a profit from the Empire after WW2? Not arguing, I just thought they were only trying to keep hold of it for prestige reasons rather than continued pillaging, and it was getting more expensive to police than was worth the bother. 



    On 04/01/2022 at 07:44, renton said:

    Britain was bankrupt at wars end, indeed was basically running on lend lease loans after 42.

    The Empire had been an economic drain on Britain since the 1920s, which may explain some of the speed on the British side to establish Indian independence.

    Around the same time as Atlee established the welfare state, Britain was still demobilising a significantly large armed forces, while providing occupation forces for Germany and Japan, helping feed Germany, enforcing a UN mandate in Palestine and also setting up their own nuclear weapons programme.

    Britain weren't sending forces into places like Malaya at great expense purely for prestige reasons they had tons to make from shit like rubber and tin. I cannae mind if it's Edgerton or someone else who makes the argument that Malaya alone offered greater export potential than native British goods combined.

  4. On 04/01/2022 at 09:43, Bob Mahelp said:

    To get back to the original question, I would describe myself as left of centre socially and right of centre economically. 

    In that I believe in equality for all, and I believe that society is only as strong as the weakest in that society, but I also like my salary, and my house, and my car, and my holidays and I want a bit more money. 

    I'd hazard a fair guess that sums up pretty much everyone who posts on this board, outside those few who detest the weakest in society. 



    Can't believe someone did the "socially liberal/ fiscally conservative" meme in 2022

    On 04/01/2022 at 11:15, welshbairn said:

    Twitter sucks more since Trump left.

    6 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    Took the quiz myself. dd2176b86849206eb115b4febffa3751.jpg

    I would delete your account there's no coming back from this DTED.

  5. On 26/12/2021 at 10:53, Bairnardo said:

    Watched Dont Look Up lastnight. Was pretty good. Excellent cast, thought Meryl Streep was excellent as the president. Guess the film is a bit of a commentary about how bad politics is these days and the undue influence wielded by social media.... It all seemed depressingly credible that in real life, it could easily play out like it did in the film.


    16 hours ago, Chris_the_rover said:
    On 26/12/2021 at 10:53, Bairnardo said:
    Watched Dont Look Up lastnight. Was pretty good. Excellent cast, thought Meryl Streep was excellent as the president. Guess the film is a bit of a commentary about how bad politics is these days and the undue influence wielded by social media.... It all seemed depressingly credible that in real life, it could easily play out like it did in the film.

    Yeah i think the full film runs as a parody on the corona virus pandemic and the incompetent political handling of it enjoyed it

    I'm fairly sure the creators said it's about climate change.

  6. Don't Look Up B2B Death to 2021. 

    A great week for smug liberals who have to explain the joke.

    David Sirota and Adam McKay losing the plot at any and all criticism on Twitter has been the most entertaining bit of the Don't Look Up release.

  7. Attlee was probably the least charismatic politician in British history but accomplished more than any other in his short rule, and under huge financial restraints. Johnson might end up being even more Churchillian than he thinks, post Covid everyone might start thinking it's time for a fresh start. Problem is, although even more uncharismatic, Starmer is no Atlee, nowhere near it.

    Attlee had a socialist ideology, a stated burning hatred of the Tories and an empire he could loot to build the welfare state. Starmer has none of these, yes.
  8. Not even in part? Would Dominic Raab (for example) have exploited the opportunity to the same extent? 
    I know the "great man*" approach is unfashionable but i also think the Impact of individuals is usually under appreciated as a result. 
    *also Lol. 

    I usually am a bit more sympathetic towards it than a few. I definitely think for example you needed a Lenin type in 1917 to move that whole thing out of the deadlock it was in. Even Churchill being an ardent hawk willing to work with Labour in 1940 was possibly beneficial to the Brits staying as gung-ho as they were.

    I think Johnson was a useful figurehead for sure but I think he was buttressed by Cummings who was right place right time first and foremost but even then it relied on loads of forces pulling together in the right direction to ensure 2017 didn’t happen again or even worse.

    I don’t think we’ll ever fully get to grips with how insane the press and multiple other influential parties were in 2018 and especially 2019. You couldn’t even do a conclusive top ten. Normal Island at its most comprehensively psychotic and focused. From Sky News doing full Tory comms on their “The Brexit Election” reporting to Newton-Dunn publishing fascist propaganda on the front page of the Sun to everyone screaming Russian disinfo at leaked plans for the trade talks involving the NHS. Everyone pretending Boris Johnson was a lying charlatan or at best somehow morally equivalent or less racist than a lifelong anti-racism campaigner.
  9. I'm not a big follower of electoral science and the likes. You could well be right. 
    It just seems to me that convincing majorities are usually won not so much by strategies, trying to target certain demographics etc but simply by having a charismatic leader. The big victories in my lifetime have been Thatcher, Blair and the current w****r. All of whom were box office in their own ways. 

    Not to be a boring Marxist about this but great man (lol) theory doesn’t explain these election wins. Johnson wouldn’t have stonking majority if large parts of the corridors of power in the UK across both sides of the political spectrum hadn’t did their bit to ensure it happened.
    You think that Stomzy and Scott Steiner were 2 different people?
    Despite the fact that Steiner appeared very soon after Stomzy was banned, and both appeared to have identical writing styles, and invariably spouting the same far right, bigoted, sectarian pish.

    They were different people. I know Stormzy off the forum.
  11. Is that advice not only if you're isolating as a contact, ie don't have the virus yourself? If you've tested positive yourself then nothing lets you unisolate (I think)

    I might be wrong about how it ended up but the initial news announcements did state that people infected with Covid in England could end their isolation three days early with two negative tests.

  12. Between being a student in 2019 and being in a pandemic in 2020, I must've watched close to a thousand across those two years (obvs not all for the first time). I kept a note of how many but I'm too scared to look.

    Will say if you’ve watched the review you’ve seen most of the movie. Maybe not as much of the Morpheus stuff which is funny and I think Yahya gave a good turn for what he’s supposed to do. I think they could’ve delved more into how he would’ve felt about his situation but still a funny turn.
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