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Henrik's tongue

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Henrik's tongue last won the day on May 7 2014

Henrik's tongue had the most liked content!


4,082 Excellent

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  • The rising of Grafton Street (I saw it)
  • Location
    From a hip saloon in the Horse & Groom.
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  1. As we plod and stumble to the cup final I think we’ll win this. Cos Hibs, innit?
  2. The “Eton mob” in power while kids go hungry all over the UK is condemnation fodder. A diving winger - not so much.
  3. I hope you get something out the game. You two - not so much.
  4. Gawd knows how this will go. We were shite last week and the Paisley Saints let a 2 goal lead slip to Hearts. Draw anyone?
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