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Henrik's tongue

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Posts posted by Henrik's tongue

  1. You do know this has been done before?

    I am not sure you understand what has happened here. Rangers were going to put small cheap Union Flags under every seat in the ground free of charge. Not exactly sure who pays for it..Maybe the RST or Blue Order or even just the club. The supporters organisations then suggested instead of just giving them away why not sell them inside the turnstiles with a suggested donation to the fighting fund of £2. I think it is a great idea and believe a figure of between £50,000- £70,000 is achievable.

    Now before you jump in with both feet ranting about enticing bigotry..Rangers did this last year in the final Glasgow Derby of the season and the pre match atmosphere was praised by all as being the best for years with absolutely NO sectarian chanting from the Rangers support. There are many clips on youtube of Penny Arcade being sung with everybody waving their flags. I believe the other song that was sung with everybody waving these flags was 'The Blue Sea Of Ibrox'.

    I have been openly critical of the people behind the fighting fund and some of our supporters singing but just see this as a great way of the fans coming together to raise much needed funds. If this was any other support people would be queuing up to praise the fans for getting right behind the club in troubled times.

    So, begging then? :)

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