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Posts posted by UsedToGoToCentralPark

  1. Well that was tremendous, sitting here thinking sony should have given early access to it for people who platinum trophied both the games.

    Going to watch it week by week and not binge it.  Glad they are keeping it very similar to the game, opening scene was really well done with the extra bits added. Made sense to change the Robert scene a bit as well.

  2. We seemed more up for that today, first to a lot of balls which restricted Stirling a lot.  Could have scored more but not going to complain about anything after that.  Stirling defence and keeper looked very uncomfortable with the conditions which we handled well.

    Amazing contrast to the away game where we barely touched the ball.  Thanks as well to the Stirling fan who gave us much amusement.

    Amazingly, only 3 teams, Tranent, Spartans and Stirling have conceded fewer goals than us this season.

  3. 2 hours ago, PELE said:

    Hopefully the Uni will have their mind on the match next week when they play Dundee United in the cup and we can shock them. 

    Crazy, we are hoping to get a shock win against a Uni team 😃.

    Best team in the league IMO.

  4. How long have we signed Scott Sinclair up for, he seems to be getting better every game and while he isn't yet a goal machine his hold up play, touch and distribution is excellent, wonder if he'd be a better midfielder than striker at this level.

  5. 8 minutes ago, monthecoo said:

    Nope at the moment, you are the only team to bring them to Central Park this season. I have seen them before at EOS Division 1 game.

    It looked more than that not going to lie but maybe the supporters blended in the support staff. Seem to all be wearing the exact branded jackets and tracksuits.

    To answer your question, no, I believe puts very little in financially. You will probably have one of the directors on my back again for saying that on that here but it is I see. Our squad is not very extravagant, is it? We are in tier 5 because we couldn't compete financially. The club is held up by volunteers where more competent clubs in Tier 4/5 pay individuals to do it.

    We are reliant on Subsea and Collier for their support to basically operate. The total wage expenditure half of last season as you will see it's all young boys apart from Davidson and Black.

    Someone else had the camera thing as well at CP, think it might have been Edinburgh Uni.  I was speaking to someone in Dundee who had one watching their 2008 team when my son was playing a game up there, the guy operating it said it had a monthly sub of IIRC 2K.

  6. I'm buying an IKEA kitchen. This will be third property I put one in at a fraction cost. The first is still going strong 15 year later when my ex sold the house last year.
    Quite fancy an IKEA kitchen when I replace ours next year, reckon it will be half the price of the local place my wife wants to use.
  7. How the f**k did the person manage to build up a grand worth of credit and not try get it back sooner, thats fucking mental
    I built up £1,200 credit intentionally, reason being we use a lot of electricity and gas and wasn't sure what assistance was going to be announced, worst case scenario I could have burned through that credit over winter. Once the assistance was announced I applied for a refund.
  8. I can imagine Chris moyles being vastly disliked by people on here but I’ve always liked his radio shows and you can clearly see he is a fairly underwhelming presence irl compared to the confident loudmouth he comes across on his radio shows. Think he might win it. Boy George seems like a terrible human being which is a surprise to nobody. 
    Listen to Moyles on Radio X, think its the best thing on Radio.
  9. Shell Energy, absolute clown shoes. Been trying to get my credit balance refunded for around 6 weeks now and every time they make a complete mess of it.

    I've asked for compo now (as well as my credit balance) for the time I've wasted chasing this up.

    I'd have been quicker switching and getting a refund that way.


  10. If folk can’t be arsed watching us in Cowdenbeath we would end up with  even less playing in Kelty,
    You would maybe get away playing at Hill of Beath as it’s more or less part of the town.
    Thanks, can we move out if the club wanted to? Or are we tied up in any sort of lease?
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