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ford prefect

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Posts posted by ford prefect

  1. All the more reason to be independent. The union corrupted this country...

    This is tragic bollocks.  The Weege is a city up to its neck in Empire and in retained wealth.  A city whose industry developed first on cotton from Scots-owned and slave-laboured cotton plantations whose raw material was sent back to Glasgow for processing to tobacco from Scots-owned and slave-laboured tobacco plantations in the Indies.  Not forgetting sugar plantations - owned and operated by Scots with slave labour.  
    Once it was cheaper to refine tobacco and cotton elsewhere Glasgow moved on to metal refining and metal bashing to provide and provided many hundreds of thousands with employment from shipyards on the Clyde to steel foundries in Motherwell - all oiling the Scottish economy and all enriching Scottish employees, managers and factory owners.
    You said, "Much of the nation became an isolated backwater and people became our greatest export." and this is a damnable lie.  It was the Union and Empire allied with the Protestant Reformation which saved Scotland from being a provincial backwater.  Yes, we exported people but, more importantly, we exported manufactured goods and, more significantly, our post-Reformation learning ranging from the educated Scots who ran the East India Company and the Hudson's Bay Company to writing the blueprint of the modern world's economy.
  2. This "people just want it done" will hopefully pump the Tories at the next election up here. Completely ignore how Scotland voted. Not bad for the party who say the UK is a partnership of equals. The Tories really are vile scum and the enemy of the working class

  3. Gotta love the term remoaner. It's a term thrown about by people who are too stupid to realise how much long term damage leaving the EU will cause us as a country. Usually preceded or followed by the phrase "why don't they just get on with it? Or "leave means leave" absolute fucking roasters

  4. You really don't get it. All our money goes to Westminster and we get pocket money minus our contributions to vanity projects that have no benefit to us. Why are we the only country in the world that can't take responsibility for ourselves and our spending. Why can't we be independent? Doing shite in a Union is not a good argument for wanting to stay in it

    We spend 13 billion more than we take in. Cuts would have to be made in an independent Scoland. Would you cut money to the nhs, police, schools ? Maybe something else.
  5. The £13 billion he keeps rattling on about? [emoji23]It's from a set of figures that has the Celtic nation's portion of the debt as greater than the UK deficit. It's a report which should start "once upon a time...."[emoji23

    ETA the UK has fucked Scotland over so we shouldn't try to go it alone? A vote for independence is a vote to leave the EU? A partnership of equals? You're servile beyond belief

    [emoji23] What a lot of absolute drivel. 

    Maybe you can answer Malkys question ? [emoji848]


  6. It's because the only thing they can repeat time after time is "13 billion" "sterlingisation" "anti English" "natsi's" on a loop like some fucking broken malfunctioning Mr T in your pocket. Bigotry and xenophobia. That's their reasons for staying in the UK and they try to tar the independence movement with the same brush, when it's nothing of the sort.

  7. Ofcourse it was simplistic. The audience on here thinks you can spend more than you earn and still be subsidising the people who are giving you money. I tried desperately to dumb it down so they could understand it. 
    I've said before I've no doubt an independent Scotland could be viable with some hard spending choices being taken. I just want to know where Nationalists believe those austerity cuts should be made 
    We'll answer that when you explain why Scotland has 50% of the UK deficit and when you add it to Wales and Northern Ireland's deficit, it adds up to more than 100% of the UK deficit, as described by your holy bible the Gers figures
  8. Nope. Australia adopted a new currency in 1910 and tried to link it to Sterling. In 1914 Sterling stopped being linked to the Gold Standard which caused the Australian economy to suffer huge inflation. Then when Sterling was linked again with the gold standard the nominal gold price cause massive deflation which pre dated the Great Recession. It took nearly 60 years for the Australian economy to recover
    Its a classic example of how not having complete control of your own fiscal levers can leave your economy wide open. Sterlingisation would be devastating for Scotland. Starting afresh with a new currency makes more sense but it will come with massive costs and risks. Nationalists who argue otherwise are playing fast and loose with all our futures. 
    Whereas the Tory party and their determination for a no deal Brexit is doing what with our futures? Being in the UK whatever the cost. Absolute madness
  9. I probably shouldn't be by now, but I'm still amazed at the happiness people feel over running Scotland down and pointing out every negative of independence, while ignoring the fact that right now has to be the most depressing period in politics in the UK since the 80s. No matter how shite it gets...rule brittania. Absolute Stockholm syndrome victims

  10. Gods of Rap tonight. Gutted that it seems to just be a few tunes from De La Soul and PE. Would've loved to have heard a load of stuff off It Takes A Nation Of Millions.... and given it was sold as a celebration of all three albums.
    That's pish if true. Saw public enemy years ago. 2 hours of brilliance!
    What a load of tripe. Scotland and England joined together as a union 312 years ago, The reason England has the majority of input to the parliament is because it haste vast majority of the people. It's the same reason why Catalonia only has a marginal say in Spanish politics or Rhode Island only have a few votes in the US electoral college.
    So you'd agree that we can only do what we actually want to do if we leave?
  12. Does anyone else feel like the shite to decent ratio on Netflix is creeping up?

    I've started and chucked 4 things in a row before I found something alright, but where are the Narcos, Expanses, early House of Cardses these days?
    Absolutely. "Netflix original" used to be a sign of quality. Now they do that much of their own stuff, quality is definitely suffering.

    Behind the curve was brilliant though. The gyroscope bit had me in stitches
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