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Everything posted by capt_oats

  1. Definitely wasn't me but aye, it rings a bell. Some folk eh? I think the majority of P&B 'well fans are of the consensus that he had an outstanding 1st season and fully deserved his call up but went off a cliff in his 2nd with an added distaste for how he carried himself that season both as a player and captain along with his exit. Trying to be objective about it he comes across as someone who's let his Scotland call up get the better of him and he's just stopped bothering to do the things that got him in that position in the first place. Before he resigned Robinson made a few comments about players in the group who thought they were better than they are and didn't want to be at the club. In hindsight it doesn't even seem a veiled dig a Gallagher. Clearly he didn't get what he wanted (that would have been his move to Celtic) but I've no doubt he's getting his money at Pittodrie. Which is fair enough. I'd be curious to know who pushed for his signing though given McInnes was emptied, Russ Richardson left and the new HoR didn't arrive until midway through the window (right?) and the pre-contract was announced on 6th of May which was about 3 weeks after Glass got the job (and had been rumoured long before that).
  2. Aye. Tom Boyd literally won the Scottish Cup as Motherwell captain and we sold him to Chelsea for £800k. Fair enough he's not done much to endear himself after that but his time as captain wasn't much of an issue.
  3. Aye, I still have my original as well although it's an XL (such was the fashion then) so it's just a terrible, terrible outsized fit now.
  4. I think the difference between the Robinson/Thunderdome version and where we are now with #Grezzaball is that we seem to have more creative forwards rather than lumps to hit like Bowman, Main and Sammon. Van Veen presses and "puts himself about" but he's probably closer to a Moult-type. It's something that I remarked on at the time but does Robinson sign a player like KVV? Based on his signing record at Fir Park and subsequently at Morecambe (Obika) probably not? There's the other aspect that when you look at the difference Alexander made to Cole and what we've seen so far from Watt and KVV there's a solid enough argument that he gets more out his strikers in terms of goals than Robinson did. It's still early days but we seem to be far more about getting high quality chances than Robinson's mantra of "get balls into the box".
  5. Aye, the article literally says "It's unclear if the account was deleted before or after the match." The sub definitely knows what they're doing with that headline. The idea that "Declan Gallagher deletes Twitter" is news is funny in itself. Conflating it with the fact that his team has just been bodied by Motherwell is doubly so. That's before you even get to the schadenfreude given the way he left the club...
  6. That was what I thought as well FWIW especially given what passes for "constructive criticism" on afc-chat who are as big a gang of mile-oots as you're likely to find.
  7. Yeah, I thought I recognised the name. Your poster seemed to just be saying they wondered if St Johnstone would be interested as he seemed to be linked with a move over here. I see the guy who's reporting it saying to one of his reply guys in his mentions that it's not St Mirren though. Oh, in fact the guy has "liked" one of the Tweets saying it's us. Whether that actually means anything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Seems to be a bit of Twitter chat in the mentions here about us being the team in for Ross Tierney from Bohemians. Centre mid. The Irish Thomas Müller no less. Shoutout for massive FM regen energy in the thumbnail here.
  9. The caveat is obviously that we've only played 5 games (none against Celtic and Rangers). After 5 games last season County were 3rd on 8 points. Equally though after 5 games last season we were sat joint bottom on points with 2 but still it's a bit early to say how our season's going to look. In terms of direction of travel though it probably feels a bit better than it did after the full time whistle at Airdrie or Dens. What is probably fair to say is that anyone who was judging us on the League Cup has been miles off it given that we're now in a place where it's looking like Lawleff and Crawford don't even make the bench most weeks and we've just tactical-ed our way to a 2-0 win against Aberdeen with a squad minus SOD, Roberts and Carroll. We've also scored in every league game we've played so far (and should probably have scored more). Last season we'd failed to score in 4 of our opening 5. On the face of it in terms of recruitment going into the window from the Alexander team with the good form the concerns were probably replacing Kelly, Gallagher, Campbell, Cole along with finding someone who could step in ahead of Lamie. Early days and all that but it feels like we've made a decent stab at doing all that - with added Goss to float about the squad in place of Polworth and Roberts bumping Lawless even further down the depth chart. Watching the game on Alba last night it kind of echoed the 3-0 LC QF against Aberdeen in Robinson's first season in terms of absolutely doing a number on them. Which is nice. Hang this in The Louvre (Down the back, but who cares? Still the Louvre)
  10. Between McPake's tear-stained "the better team lost" interview, Glass getting bent out of shape by KVV so much he was booked and one of his coaches sent off and just a general post-match Twitter search yesterday we're going to boil a lot of people's piss this season.
  11. Tbf, it was @thisGRAEME's original shout. Talking about a Pele podcast and the idea that players making the jump from PT to FT often hit a "wall" when it came to the intensity of playing at this level. Clearly Woolery's not come from PT but it doesn't seem a reach that he might have hit a similar issue.
  12. The club are raffling off Tony Watt's shirt, proceeds to SAMH and Chris's House. If you're inclined to chuck in some money.
  13. Apparently Sondre's available for tomorrow so presumably the work permit was granted. Saying it again, I like the cut of #Grezza's jib.
  14. Given the difference in resources it's pretty wild how little there was between the sides when it was Robinson vs McInnes. We were: P 13 W 6 D 1 L 6 F 16 A 11 New managers now though. In the one fixture Alexander had last season we were pretty much in the game up at Pittodrie until Polworth had his shitfit and sold the jerseys. We were 1-0 down but we'd hit the post and should have had a penalty. Interesting to see how Alexander's #Murderball goes in a game like this as there are still massive work-in-progress vibes around us. Then again, you could probably say that Aberdeen are a side in transition just now as well. At least the bulk of their signings are known quantities in this league eg: Gallagher, Brown, JET. Cards on the table lads...I'd absolutely take a point right now.
  15. Well, Gallagher's an "Aberdeen-level" player now so in all honesty I'd side with Cooper.
  16. Not really because there was still plenty of criticism of Gallagher getting a call up from certain quarters on account of him playing for Motherwell and players from "that level" shouldn't be getting a call up. What can I say, people just have their prejudices. People were getting bent out of shape at the thought of Gallagher "a Motherwell level player" being called up ahead of Cooper on account of him playing in the Barclays.
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