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Everything posted by capt_oats

  1. Aye. In fairness though, I don't think that was necessarily down to the bold Blair.
  2. Basically this. The ball has already been won and is cleared by the time McAusland wafts his pipe cleaner leg at Casey. It's not even like it's a 50/50. The whole discourse about it is just weird.
  3. No. We didn't. We beat them at Hampden in October 2017. I'm not really sure there's much to *get* tbh. We hadn't beat them at Ibrox in the league in the lifetime of many of our support after a period in the 90s where beating them was a reasonably regular occurrence. It's not really surprising people are at least commenting on it. Anyway, it's worth re-visiting the last one because it's a good laugh.
  4. Tbh, the vote went the way I expected, if not the way I actually voted, based on the way the question was presented. Essentially why would you rule something out when you don't know what the options are? That said, in line with a point that @Swello made earlier, I'd imagine that the club/WS would have remained in conversation with all of the interested parties regardless of which way the vote went so I don't think there's really much change on that front. It's annoying that it leaves us still suspended in this kind of limbo since as @Handsome_Devil has been saying I think we'd be far better served sorting our own house out first in terms of CEO and all that stuff.
  5. Mentioned this before re: Mailchimp, open rates and clicks: https://mailchimp.com/resources/email-marketing-benchmarks/
  6. With the sheer number of players out of contract this summer I can 100% see a situation where we offer new deals to all our expiring centre backs. Whether they actually take us up on those offers is a different question but we've been talking on here about how we've missed having that consistent core in the group since the likes of Lasley, Hammell, Hartley, Tait etc left and keeping some of the 'experienced' heads around would go some way to helping create a culture at the club. From that POV 'Normal' Paul McGinn feels like an entirely sensible guy to have around the place. I don't know if it was just a line to the media or whether he actually meant it but SOD was on record as saying that he's happy to be here as long as the manager wants him. I've said it before but the criticism that gets launched his way reminds me a lot of McManus in that, for whatever reason (take your pick), SOD seems to be judged differently. It's weird but what can you do. As far as Bevis goes, I think it was @thisGRAEME who made the point that he's someone who needs a run of games to play himself into form. He's not someone who you can just drop in and expect to not make mistakes. The obvious issue for us is that he's probably someone whose levels mean we'd ideally see him in a squad role. Again though he's played 119 games for us so far in his Motherwell career and is one of our most used players I don't see us just kicking him to the curb. Fwiw, here's the squad by minutes played this season (most to least):
  7. Not to be contrary as it's well documented there was a fall out and he was bumped as captain along with the fact that the whole signing Paul McGinn thing was essentially because O'Donnell was heading out the door as a result but SODs actually played the most minutes of any outfield player in Alexander's full season in charge. As @Vietnam91 says it seems to have been more about a personality thing. What I would say is that I think of the 4 managers SOD has had while he's been at the club (Robinson, Alexander, Hammell and Kettlewell) Ketts is the only one who actually seems to have had a clue what to do with him.
  8. It's presumably a procedural thing. If you look at the company filing history you'll see similar in previous years. 4th April 2023 and 23rd December 2021.
  9. It's probably an unanswerable question and I'm not sure that it really needs asked but it's been rattling around my brain so I'll ask it anyway: Does Harry Paton score our equaliser last night, (like does he even make that run to get in that position?) and do we get that second half performance in general if he's on the park instead of Nicholson? That's not meant as a dig at Paton or anything (honest) and it's also shite that he's out injured but I've mentioned before that Nicholson feels like a more obvious fit for that role and it kind of felt that way watching how things panned out.
  10. Aye, I think both things can be and maybe are true. For me the toxicity around the Hammell era seemed to be far more directed at the players rather than Hammell himself which is understandable given who he is and all that but it also largely ignored that he might simply have been someone who was miles out his depth in the role. Whereas with Kettlewell, as @Swello says, there's probably been far more patience shown but I’d say it feels like the discontent and scepticism has been low key but consistent from certain sections without ever necessarily escalating to a point it did on either Hammell and certainly Alexander's watch.
  11. Aye. I agree that this idea that we're somehow going to stumble upon our very own James Anderson who's just going to underwrite us because he's minted is fanciful but equally, I think it should be possible for us to seek investment on our own terms - it's literally what businesses do. As an example I noticed that's The Class of 92 announced they're "exploring" investment opportunities for Salford. - https://theathletic.com/5299817/2024/02/26/salford-city-class-of-92-sale-investment/ Granted, the likes of Neville, Beckham et al have a level of wealth and clout that we simply don't but in terms of the actual principle it's exactly the position we're in. However compare this framing from Nicky Butt with what we heard from McMahon in his post-launch interview: "Taylor Swift gies some dosh" it is not. This isn't a criticism of the WS folks as it kind of sounds as if McMahon has gone a bit rogue with this and it's put them on the back foot but in hindsight it would maybe have wise for those behind the "project" to have considered this and had some sort of consultation prior to launch. I mean, maybe they did IDK but it doesn't feel like it. Similarly, without being wise after the fact, the whole fan-ownership model was probably going to reach a point where there would be a discussion about what would be direction of travel of being a fan-owned club as the football landscape changes/evolves. Like I say, it'd maybe have been good to have considered red-lines and the like before McMahon decided he was a creative and crack on in the way he did (it's worth remembering that even Weir distanced himself from the video). Prior to last week the last AGM I'd been to in person was pre-pandemic and the notion of seeking external investment was floated then. IIRC it was a similar sort of vague idea of looking to partner up with individuals to provide support and possibly using the option of a slice of transfer revenues to pay back much in the same way we ended up squaring things with Hutchison and Boyle. Either way I guess my point is the notion that we might look at external investment thing has been around for a while, the board just didn't make any sort of movement with it and I'm fairly sure McMahon had effectively apologised and said words to the effect of "Sorry, but yeah, we've not done anything about that" at subsequent AGMs. Why that was, who knows? Maybe the fact we were cash rich and Scooge McDuck-ing our way through things after the Scott and Turnbull sales meant they considered ourselves to be suitably "de-risked" and just put that side of things on the back burner only to be blindsided by the investment we've seen at peer group clubs and I guess the Pandemic will probably have had an impact in terms of what we were prioritising. That said, as @thisGRAEME mentioned yesterday, while probably not ideal circumstances (exiting Chairman, interim-CEO etc) it feels like this has given a natural impetus to actually have these conversations. Yeah, I think it really depends on how you approach the question which I'd say is probably open to interpretation. You can either read it (as I did) as a process to establish red-lines as to what our position is in order to look at external investment on our own terms or you can view it the other way which is you'd be happy to consider any and all investment deals that might be tabled.
  12. The fee for Sol is in the 22/23 accounts that were recently published.
  13. Cheers. I remembered Weir talking about a break even cash balance or something along those lines but I'd absolutely zoned out by that point tbh.
  14. Mentioned this earlier but this is a really good discussion between Derek and @CraigFowler and tbqh it's the sort of thing that a lot of folk in the wider support could do with listening to before making up their mind one way or another on their vote. One point though, it's possible that Dee misspoke around 11min 50 in saying that the accounts will be out very soon and talking about a profit this year which very much isn't the case as has been covered in some of the news articles on FPC and discussed on SO. However, it may have been the case that he meant a profit for this season ie: 23/24? @StAndrew7 was there any sort of projection for next year mentioned at the AGM?
  15. Exactly this. Like, would Turnbull still have stuck with going to Celtic? Maybe. Does his style suit a more continental league? Sure. But as @Desp says a lot of the discourse around this is the same as saying "Why didn't we sell Randolph for £1m?". Because it was never an option that was on the table and if anyone thinks that the club weren't going to be packing his bags for him when the £3.5m deal landed and we'd have happily have held off for him to wait for offers from Serie A then I don't know what to tell you. A lot of the comparisons with the likes of Hickey, Doig and Ferguson feel like folk being wise after the fact in terms of having opinions of what he should/shouldn't have done. At the point when he initially agreed to sign for Celtic (2019) Hickey was still at Hearts, Doig was still at Hibs and Ferguson was still at Aberdeen. In fact Bologna took their punt on Hickey at the same time as Turnbull finalised his move to Celtic after his (knee) - 2020. Doig and Ferguson didn't move to Italy until 2022. 2 years after Turnbull signed for Celtic. I've mentioned this before but Turnbull was 21 when he finally moved (19 when the original deal was agreed). Lewis Ferguson was 23 when he signed for Bologna. In terms of development Turnbull's time at Celtic was the equivalent of Ferguson's stint at Aberdeen.
  16. Did he have offers from Germany or Italy? I mean, I'd like to go out with Gigi Hadid...
  17. That’s Derek done a Terrace Patreon with @CraigFowler for those who subscribe.
  18. Following on from that post last night where I mentioned that curiously the only outfield area of the park that we haven't signed anyone this season is centre back it occurred to me that of the six options we're using for the back three, none of them were actually originally signed by Kettlewell. McGinn (Alexander) O'Donnell (Robinson) Mugabi (Robinson) Butcher (Hammell) Blaney (Hammell) Casey (Hammell) It's not a particularly important point (it’s probably purely coincidental) as we were oversubscribed there from the start of the season but it's an odd quirk given that save Spittal (Alexander) and Miller (Academy) our nominal 'successes' this season (Spencer, Biereth, Gent, Bair, Zdravkovski etc) have been Ketts signings whereas the area we're massively underperforming have been the ones other guys brought to the club.
  19. By the by, that's a good email from The WS about the new operating structure and the focus group sessions that went out just there.
  20. Apologies to @thisGRAEME for brazenly lifting his Tweet here but when taken alongside @gregthewellfan's post re: Gent this is interesting in so much as our recruitment has taken a kicking from certain sections... Ironically, the only outfield area of the park we haven't added new players to is centre half.
  21. @gregthewellfan Tweet on Georgie Gent's numbers. Fwiw, Transfermarkt has his contract at Blackburn expiring in 2025. https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/georgie-gent/profil/spieler/732206
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