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Posts posted by Exiled

  1. Perhaps the performances from some of our players is down to playing them in a formation they are not comfortable with? It would be interesting to see the results when we played 4-4-2 compared with the other combinations Murray has come up with in his time here. There is potentially a good side in there somewhere, it just seems as though their creativity is being stifled by the tactics and formations they are being asked to play in. It's also frustrating that despite saying that he wouldn't bring in any new players unless they are better than what we already have, that 2 of them were sat on the bench on Saturday and not brought on until it was way too late. Yes, I'm grateful for what what Murray has done for Dumbarton, but I can't help but think that he really has to swallow his pride here, stop tinkering, and play the players to their strengths and stop trying to fit square pegs in round holes.

  2. To be fair one of their additions was Nish.

    To be honest I'm tired of the argument. There are those who appreciate the difficulties, budget and restrictions (part time in a full time league) that Murray has to work under and there are those who don't or they deny that he does. If we finish seventh then he'll have done a good job IMHO. I think of times when we have signed forwards and they have seemed like good signings at the time. Eddie Annand, Stevie Mallan, Denis Wyness, Darren Gribben,Michael Moore and Colin Nish - all diddies by the time they got to us. Who is available? it's a reasonable question. They have to be willing to sign part-time, be better than what we have and good enough for the Championship. Maybe there just isn't anyone who fits that bill available at the moment?

    The thing is, if any of our improvised strikers are injured or suspended we won't have anyone to replace them with. Murray is obviously aware of this and the fact that we can't fill the subs bench at the moment. With the wages that have been freed up due to the release of various players and staff I expect we'll see a few new faces soon. Every signing is a gamble, you mention the ones that didn't work out but what about the likes of Lister and McShane? Both are players who have shone here where they seem to have struggled everywhere else. Anyway, he's going to have to come up with something or dig out his old boots again, I'm pretty sure he won't be too keen on that scenario.

  3. A very Merry Christmas to all my fellow Sons fans, especially those who, like me, can remember the days when Christmas wasn't even a public holiday in Scotland. We are in that select band who have seen our team play on December 25 and Jan 1st.

    I remember as a wee boy being taken (dragged) to Love Street to watch St Mirren v Sons on Christmas day. Can't remember the score but Roy McCormack scored a belter. Guy next to me got hit by a bottle. Happy days.

    Happy Christmas y'all.

  4. An ex girlfriend and I were flying from Glasgow to London and I remember she couldn't get over the bad luck she was having weather wise. "isn't that bloody typical? When we leave Glasgow it's torrential rain and then it's pissing it down again when we get to London - but all the way down the weather was beautiful. What's the odds on that?"

    She had great tits though.

  5. Lister's season with Airdrie(onians) doesn't seem to be going to plan, and Jon McShane isn't getting a lot of love from the Accies fans on here. I don't know about signed contracts or anything but would any Sons fans have either, or both of them back at the Rock if they became available?

  6. Missed game today but sounds like a good work out, with regards to Creaney my poor disabled father who cannot walk the length of himself Would be an improvement on him.

    Murray building what looks on paper to be a solid unit, Sean Higgins welcome to come in as well!!

    Higgins signed for Stenny today. Guess we'll have to settle for Riordan then.

  7. I worry about the effect all this could have on our existing players morale.

    I'd like to think it's more about adding depth to the squad rather than replacing players that we already have. 3 of the recent signings came the week before the (Raith?) game when we were 5 players down and had nobody to replace them with. If Winters can play in midfield as well as up front he could be a flexible alternative when injuries and suspensions kick in.

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