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Everything posted by hearthammer

  1. I believe so, but it has only been the last 2 years that i've been following the webcam. Nature at its best from repairing the nest, laying and protecting the eggs, feeding the chicks to seeing them grow till it's time to head south. I visited the viewing centre last May after the chicks hatched and plan to do so again this year. A great day out and worthwhile for photos.
  2. Osprey Watch Won't be active till around March, but compulsive viewing from the point the female makes her first appearance through to the hatching, the feeding, then the adults and chicks heading south in September/October. Have been following the progress for a couple of years now. Fantastic. https://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/things-to-do/watch-wildlife-online/loch-of-the-lowes-webcam/
  3. Rah Band - Clouds Across The Moon
  4. Anyone recommend a decent stream for the Edinburgh game ?? Cheers
  5. Strangest thing to emerge from the news feeds was that the General was only identified by his RING. Now that must have been some tattoo he had
  6. No Greenies Left The Human League - The Lebanon
  7. My CD was put together as a very good friend of mine died years ago and his family were at each other about what music to play. Similar to your story there, the final choice was nothing like what my mate would have wanted - except 1 track. Not an exercise in self-indulgence, but i get the final say on what gets played to avoid scenarios described above..
  8. I bought both Sssingle Bed and Imagine Me, Imagine You Well done that man
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