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Everything posted by sjc

  1. as opposed to the "dead behind the eyes" whore that gets fucked all the time ?
  2. what ? the thread or the realisation that you've got f**k all chance with Natalie Imbruglia ?
  3. Agreed. Easier for other types of businesses to argue but what is a footballers job if it is not to "play football" hence the HMRC's argument.
  4. and just a sprinkling of magic mushrooms on that cheese toasty perhaps ?!
  5. No.......the HMRC are arguing that the EBT was used illegally. Their argument is that Rangers used the Employee Benefit Trust to pay the players bonuses/part salaries. This basically amounts to being paid for what is their job description.......which should be subject to tax. Rangers used the Employee Benefit Trust as a Employer Benefit Trust............that's the HMRC's argument.
  6. Think of the TV deal my friend ! What could replace the World wide appreciated spectacle that is the Old Firm game ???
  7. would this deem them "unable to fulfill their fixtures" HJ ? What punishment would they likely get for that ? Would they be booted out for this ?
  8. Reading that reminds me of my youth..........particularly when I was on acid !
  9. could this be "the people" cheering on Craig Whyte ?! http://youtu.be/VHpWf0C8u2U
  10. of course it wouldn't be like our wonderful media to sensationalise a story though, would it ?!
  11. That's a good point.........if he's done that then he'd definately secure his position as the largest creditor. hmm.......the plot could be thickening.......
  12. so do we know what Traynor ment when he said that Whyte had "sold the history of the club" then ? sold Ibrox ? Sold the silverware ? weighed in that bronze statue of John Greig ?
  13. Vodafone are an international company though with a huge market share of the telecommunications sector. I take your second point though.
  14. Agreed...........I think its always been his intention to take the club into administration. I raised the question on here back in November (when big tax case was initially due) whether it would be beneficial for him as a creditor of the club to do so prior to the judgement on the big tax case. He's playing the Venture Capitalist game.........Is he there only to asset strip and burn or for the long game though ?
  15. Cheers for the update :-) John MacKay ? Is Andrea Brymer still on that programme ? was supposed to go out on a date with her about 10+years back ........fucked that one right up....numpty !
  16. what did I miss ? (working down in England.......so can't get local tv) who's baldy John btw ???
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