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Posts posted by steakpiegravy

  1. Is he really that good though? He's not played often enough to make a judgement.

    Several managers have overlooked him and it can't just be his age that has counted against him.

    Tend to agree. Haven't seen much of him lately but recollection was that he didn't seem very imposing and positionally a bit erratic. He's probably improved since then but clearly be better with more game time.
  2. 1 hour ago, Senior_Coconut said:


    I understand that argument but if the money raised by the trust is being used to buy shares from individuals then what benefit is that to the club? 

    When the supporters trust and save our south started up I assumed we'd be slowly investing in the club in return for shares. If there's no shares available then the money gets saved until there is. 

    When the club was struggling for cash a few years ago it was solely reliant on the generosity of a few individuals and the barflies, travel club etc bailing them out.

    I had hoped that the trust would have plenty of money in the bank as a safety net should we fall on hard times again. It would then step in with a share issue done in return.  

    Buying shares from the club doesn't necessarily offer any net benefit to the club unless you assume that there arent any individual fans who would buy them themselves. Judging by the statement above it would seem that all shares have been bought up so I guess maybe Kirkyblue's suggestion about getting a fan on the board is the main reason.

  3. Surely a share is a share regardless of where it comes from. 

    If the aim of the Trust is to obtain 1000 shares then it shouldnt matter where they come from, assuming they are paying the going rate. 

    If its waiting for the club to simply create more shares then the original 1000 figure becomes meaningless as the whole share profile will have shifted. 

    (ie I used to have 25 shares, but after the club did a rights issue (or whatever it was called) I suddenly had 250)

  4. 14 hours ago, QoS_1919 said:

    Did I say I believed it? I don't know much about what goes on with that sort of stuff so I asked on here. If I knew someone was going to take it so personally then I wouldn't have bothered.

    QOS 1919 said "Typical from our board" which both implied you did believe it and also made it a little bit personal. Cant blame SD for taking you down.

  5. I could understand all the jibber jabbering about quality and youth inexperience etc if we were sitting in St Mirrens position having just won our first game of the season but thats not the case. As recently as 9 weeks ago we were sitting top of the table having looked (IMO) pretty impressive pre-season (without Dobbie) and then having had some decent results in both the cup (Hibs away) and league (DU away). When Dobbie arrived it looked like the icing on the cake and I'm sure I wasnt the only one expecting a pretty decent season. 

    Granted there were odd poor performances (Stenny the first time around) but apart from that I think we deserved our position at the top.

    I cant say I've any insight into what was going on behind the scenes but the Rangers away game in the cup seems to have been the start of the rot. To me there's definitely been an issue of confidence since then. Dobbie seems to be shooting from further and further away and noone else seems to want to have a shot. I think this team needs some good man management and a bit of organisation and it can get back on track. Dykes for me is a classic example of a confidence player - hes got some talent but I dont see him being able to show it in a team fighting for relegation.


  6. Millar - I think he has the raw materials but sometimes chooses not to show them. Even when he's playing well (or at least competently) he seems not to have too much influence on the game because he wont use the ball positively. The number of times against Albion that the ball ended up back at the keeper to punt when a decent ball from the halfway could have sent Lyle or Dobbie through. Punt

    Pickard - my main criticism of him is the final ball or shot. ie there usually isn't one. He seems to get himself into good positions then looks for an out instead of taking the final step and shooting. Maybe a lack of confidence. I think sort of player who could have a "Nicky Clark" season for us, maybe in a year or two. Keep.

    Higgins - when he wasnt playing I really thought we were missing him but it seems not. I think hes a lower division centre back not a Championship centre or full back. And there's not much evidence of his influence as a captain on the park at the minute. With reservations - Punt.

    Russell - The sort of guy who can turn a game on its head. Infuriating at times but good value. Never anonymous. We cant do without his goals. Keep.  (what? ...we did what?..... Oh f**k!)

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