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Everything posted by Ignoramus

  1. The LIV golfers getting their own groups, sure they’ll get a warm reception on the first
  2. Both the Open and Scotrail Twitter accounts getting hammered by people who booked a Golflink ticket from Edinburgh and are now facing down the barrel of the Scotrail nonsense. Not a great look from the organisers tbh and I do wonder if there might be a significant number that just patch it as a result.
  3. Kyrgios getting reported for swearing, Tsitsipas getting reported for slamming a backhand winner at the front row and one set apiece. Great entertainment
  4. Welsh rugby writer summing the heads gone on the timeline about the ref, loads of chat about needing ‘experienced Tier 1 refs’ going these games. No doubt Pearce or Carley would’ve given the Welsh guys infringing on the try line a stern talking to and then Biggar and AWJ a big cuddle. Get it right up them.
  5. Are we expecting news today then or maybe tomorrow? We’re at Easter Road this time next Sat and we don’t really have a squad
  6. Enjoying that England scoring two tries - one in red time against 13 players - is the key take away from that game apparently
  7. Can’t lie lads, I’ve enjoyed the second half a lot more. Mon’ Dave Rennie
  8. Dylan Hartley AND Maggie Alphonsi?! What a treat
  9. Australia England has been tedious in the extreme.
  10. Quick question - Andrew Castle or John Inverdale, who’s taking the title of worst tennis commentator? The much missed Garry Richardson for the post match interviews naturally.
  11. This always looked like a tough test for Raducanu and she’s struggling big time here
  12. Dylan Ruiz-Diaz played for QP in their Glasgow Cup fixtures last year and was by all accounts fairly handy in those I think, whatever you put into those games. Their fans will likely know more on him. Josh Jack is a young St Mirren kid that we had two seasons ago, played up front or off the striker and didn’t really do much. He was quite lightweight from what I remember but he may have bulked up a bit with age and full time training. He was at Albion Rovers last season.
  13. The Colts long time head honcho - basically the guy most associated with that club over the years - quitting over OG Broomhill moving into Broadwood. Wonder if they were given the shout that it would be their home completely after we left and now are having to share with another club in their division?
  14. The whole reconstruction thing is a red herring IMO, those eight clubs in the LL voted in favour because they wanted to squeeze whatever they could out of the OF and to a lesser extent, Hearts - whether that’s a small increase of fans to their games or the whole shaking hands in the boardroom with the guy in the club tie. The likes of Cumbernauld Colts, OG Broomhill, Stirling Uni or Gretna are never going up the way in the league system anyway so they’re not bothered about promotion out of the LL.
  15. This is a high bar I realise, but Charlie might be the dullest contestant there’s ever been on this. Just absolutely nothing there.
  16. Pinch of salt with preseason obvs and I have no idea how good Whickham are but nice to see the three main forwards pick up a goal.
  17. Ed Davey looks like what the ‘Lib Dem candidate’ character would be on the Thick of It
  18. That would make a bit more sense in terms of actually picking a side. Wonder what the PGA Tour have chucked at them to secure their support for their ‘alliance’? More co-sanctioned tournaments with big fields in future maybe? (Wentworth, Ireland)
  19. Feels like a bit of a non punishment tbh - a £100k fine which they can all pay no bother with their LIV fees and banned from two co-sanctioned PGA Tour events they were never getting into anyway. It kind of feels like they’re keeping their feet in both camps by coming out with sanctions for the LIV players, but not actually banning those who took part from the DPWT (which I think would be a very tricky thing for them to do realistically).
  20. Jacques is an absolute certainty to switch at Casa Amor, that’s gonna be the big moment of the series when it happens
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