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  1. Would not be up for the NW being shut at all, far better view than the Norrie and better laugh than the main stand. By far the best stand at EEP and just a shame the away fans are not housed in the NE every week.
  2. Ooft. Bit harsh on a forum mate, think you need to get some perspective on life and grow up.
  3. Was a good night with plenty laughs shared. Could feel the emotion in the place when Joe got his award and was close to tears myself, superb gesture for a great servant of the Pars. Moore was funny and speaks total rapid, his repeat of the dive against Airdrie was hilarious. Jackie was also in good form with some cracking stories of how being a youth player used to be, painting the terracing, cleaning cars and washing dishes. Felt a little sorry for Bingo as he never got to speak a word the whole night.
  4. If true would be chuffed. Good player but seems to have had problems with his attitude in the past. He's maybe grown up a bit and realised what he'd be throwing away.
  5. I heard the Thistle player volleyed him in the jaw so he got up and punched him, sounds fair to me.. I like Kane and think he will develop into a decent player.
  6. I think this was an act out of spite by a desperate man who feel's he has been robbed in some way by PU. Glad the Judge seen through the greedy wee toe-rag. Onwards and upwards for DAFC & just hope club is handed over to PU on Monday/
  7. Anyone else up for going in home end through at East Fife? No way will they sell put their allocation.
  8. I think the gates should be split 60/40 to try guarantee a sell out. Both teams need the coin desparately and Hearts fans enjoy a trip over the water.
  9. All football debts have to be paid in full so both Hamilton and Cowdenbeath will get all their money if we survive. Still long way to go yet.
  10. Great signing for Raith. Cardle is the type of player everyone hates until he's in your team.
  11. 50% him & 50% community owned if i've understood it right.
  12. Im happy for anyone to come in and save our club. Should that be Purvis or the TPC. I aint one of them in the know but from what i've read in the public domain would rather have Purvis than the TPC. He is a successful business man with a sound team behind him and would certainly have my backing. Not as sure with the TPC as they do seem to have an agenda with what information is drip fed at certain times. Even given that agenda i know that they are all Pars fans and want what is best for the club. GM & Yorkston can get tae f**k, there both fucking twats. I have enjoyed all the cup runs and success in the league but the feeling i have right now makes them feel slightly tainted. I hope we survive as would miss days like yesterday. I know loads of folk through going on a Saturday and would leave a massive void in my life.
  13. They're better than you, better than you, Dumbarton are better than you..
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