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Posts posted by tintax

  1. A few quotes from McGregor in todays P&J

    " Our ground will be a wee bit like Tynecastle with 6,000 people almost sitting on the park" Sounds good can't stand grounds where you feel like you are miles from the pitch.

    Also goes onto talk about strengthening the squad "we know what we need to compete in the SPL we need to strengthen. A good lesson is Dunfermline who went up with the same team and you can't do that"

  2. First off all great series, best thing on the box just now.

    Anyone else finding Sol a bit of a fishy character, could just be me but there could be something there.

  3. After saying I need to get fit for ages finally took the step of joining a local gym for 16 pound a month which isn't too bad, got a program made up for me which involves starting on the bike then treadmill then the rowing machine. After about 15-20mins I move onto the weights, all I can manage at the moment so unfit.

    3 days a week enough to start with? What's with these protein shakes? Should I be taking them after my workout?

  4. Luckly Number Slevin - Best film i have seen in a long time, was quite superb 9/10.

    Deathwatch - Was on film4 last night, all about a group of British soldiers who get lost in German trenches during WW1 and then the dead start rising, was expecting alot better just gets stranger and stranger as the film goes on, not great 2/10

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