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Posts posted by tintax

  1. You'd think so. They are currently getting their arses handed to them by one old c**t and a few men.


    Not entirely.  Unless I'm mistaken, the only forces loyal to the Lannisters in Kings Landing just now are the Kings Guard.  Whose numbers are probably more than matched by the Faith Militant.  My hope is that Jamie calls in the Lannister armies and we finally see the back of the old c**t and his followers.

  2. I really enjoyed it (ending aside) that was something else altogether and not in a good way either 😷. No idea what it means.

    Really interesting developments in Dorne though, looking forward to seeing what happens next. Hoping for an all out war against the Lanisters.

  3. Writing my mates number on the toilet wall in Broxden services a few years ago on the way back from an away game, with the heading 'call this number for gay chat/fun'. Forgot all about it until I saw him a few weeks later where he was complaining to me and a few others about these calls he had been getting from gay's wanting to hook up. :lol:

  4. Just caught up on the new episode last night. Thought it was brilliant. There have been many great episodes over the past six seasons, but that for me anyway was just something else altogether. Everything you could want in a Walking Dead episode, just brilliant.

  5. This whole issue of whether or not to bomb IS in Syria stinks of a man (Cameron) desperate to join his pals, America and France in bombing a country without any clear strategy or exit strategy for that matter. Have we learned nothing from Libya?

    Bombing alone will not defeat an idealogy but will instead feed it.

  6. A fairly uneventful mid-season finale. Hopefully its not long before Eugene gets munched, the guy is just boring as f**k. Enjoyed the last bit of the episode with Daryl and the biker gang.

  7. Never thought it would happen but seriously starting to lose interest in the show now. It just seems so predictable, a while on the run -find a safe haven - attacked by walkers/other group - and repeat. They really need to at least start thinking about how this is to end IMO, before they ruin what has been a brilliant show.

  8. Carol's daughter is still one of the most haunting pieces of television I've ever witnessed. I really can't explain it. I think it's because we all expected her to be found as she's a child. As well as that, there haven't exactly been an abundance of child zombies so that was a sight in itself. Jaw dropping television but frightening at the same time.

    I reckon is Glenn is alive we won't see him for at least another 5 episodes.

    Probably one of my favourite episodes that one. Shane was spectacular in it.

    Regarding last nights episode, there is no way Glen survived that. He's definitely gone.

    Where was Rick running/driving too in this one?

  9. Brilliant episode but was left wondering how Morgan managed to get back to Alexandria before Rick and the others. Rick and the rest trying to get the herd back on track?

    Did anyone else pick up on what one of the wolves said before Carol put a bullet in his head? He said something along the lines of, this attack was just a trap or something? Didn't quite pick up on it. Leading me to think, the attack was a test of the defences of Alexandria, leading up to a massive attack at the end of the season??

  10. Really enjoyed that. Do we think those walkers in the quarry have something to do with the group behind the 'W' markings, and that they are the ones who set of the siren? In response to them shifting their supply, so to speak.

  11. Settle a debate.

    Boyce -

    is he a physical penalty box predator who generally only scores from within the box.


    Is he a player who has good touch, likes to beat a man and scores various types of goals.

    If neither is true and you have a couple of minutes please describe him as best you can.


    I would say the latter, the vast majority of his goals have come from inside the box, he has shown that he can finish quite comfortably with both feet and his head. He can however hold the ball up and bring others into play as well, an all round brilliant striker IMO

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