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Posts posted by tintax

  1. Just now, Bob Mahelp said:

    I'm amazed that the Tories haven't announced a snap GE. 

    They would boot Labour's arse in England. 

    I can't see them taking the chance. Labour did better than many predicted last time around. With the mess the Tories are making off brexit, I would predict the electorate to give them a bashing. 

  2. Listening to May's response after the vote, it sounded to me like she is going to continue to press ahead with her now 3 times defeated deal in the hope that it will eventually pass. 

    She has no one else to blame but herself for the current mess. Her blinkered, my way or nothing approach, refusing the notion of criss party consensus is why we are in this mess

  3. 40 minutes ago, Sooky said:

    I hate these people. If they believed this to be the case, they should have supported the deal at the first time of asking, months ago, instead of pushing us to the brink.



    So that slimy creepy looking fucker is allowed to change his mind and vote again (for the 3rd time on May's deal) but the British people  are not? 

  4. 38 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

    I really wish people would not repeat the “it’s either May’s Deal or No Deal” pish.  It’s tedious and it’s wrong.

    Parliament can still pursue various other options.

    Any MP that allows anyone as ineffective as Theresa May to blackmail should be ridiculed for all time.


    Parliament needs to rally around an alternative to Mays deal and no brexit. Labour are great at banging on about a deal which would see access to the customs union , protection of rights, etc. But what are they actually doing to round up cross party consensus to this. 

    The way it's looking at the moment IMO. May's deal will be voted through next week. 

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