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About skelpy

  • Birthday 05/06/1970

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    Kilwinning Rangers

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  1. Not a Kop out at all. The point about volunteers is that we’re all dealing with competing demands with our personal lives. There’s always room for new blood to come on board & join the committee or volunteer to help. My posts were to try & put a bit of transparency out there on this forum. I commented that yes, things could have been done differently & better but there’s not an unlimited pot of money we can tap into. Give the new gaffer a chance, give the club a chance to get things sorted. I regularly read this thread & get everyone’s frustrations but I know first hand the work ongoing behind the scenes. I totally accept criticism comes with putting yourself up there, I accept that & don’t take any offence.
  2. Think you’ll find that was a previous committee under different stewardship. It’s all different people involved in the committee now & I'm not one for anonymity as I’m one myself. The stand has been passed in terms of safety however it’s recognised it’s best days are behind it & will be removed next season. We have just passed our yearly SFA Licence Audit which is conducted under scrutiny. The ground has been assessed & passed with flying colours. I think people need to understand the level of work & effort required by volunteers. Like most WOSFL (former Junior) teams we aren’t professional in that we have dedicated staff working full time. A lot of the things being done are done by guys & girls taking time off work, forsaking family & friend commitments & working long into the night. Could things be done differently? Could things be done better? Of course. What I do know is that the work of the former Chairman & committee to move us to Kilwinning Sports Club should never be forgotten. The work of the current Chairman, in the face of constant pressure & criticism should not be underestimated. Mr Colin Evans should have a statue erected at the club if you know what he’s done, he’s sacrificed & what foundations he’s put in place. What is finish up by saying is that we’re the envy of many if not all clubs who visit. Those constantly knocking everything Buffs related should get off their soapboxes, contact a committee member of the chairman & give up your time to help! #COYB
  3. Totally agree. Things change quickly in football & making things personal will always come back to bite you in the backside. Most of the stuff that has been posted is factually incorrect or twisted to suit a different narrative. Things had to change. The new manager had to have certain coaching qualifications to comply with the SFA Licence requirements. Unfortunately a couple of the applicants that were unsuccessful didn’t meet those requirements. Good luck to Kevin Kelly, big job on his hands but I’m sure his back room staff & the wider support he’ll have will bring success on & off the pitch.
  4. That’s pretty much it. Chris is a good guy & a highly qualified coach. Best I’ve seen down there. That said he put footballing matters ahead of friendships & surrounded himself with likeminded coaches. That’s why he’s winning leagues in the top flight. He played himself rather than use youths who had qualified for a Scottish Cup Final a few weeks later & not wanting to risk injury to them in what was a dead rubber league game. Gormley was appointed & was a cracking guy, very personable, perhaps underestimated the magnitude of the club in general as well as the league. Chris Aitken was another good footballing guy & in his defence his team suffered crippling injuries. He’s gone & that’s football though & now he’s got a chance to get back in the saddle, coaching without the pressure of being a gaffer. What I can’t understand or work out is why a lot of the last dozen or so posts on this thread are from someone who thinks it’s acceptable to attack the club, the committee (all volunteers) for appointing a new coaching team who are highly qualified & respected. If the Buffs are your team support them through good times & bad times. People in glass houses
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