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Posts posted by parsforlife

  1. 9 hours ago, capt_oats said:

    I'm not sure that is the argument tbh.

    The argument as far as I can see is that after several seasons, rightly or wrongly, it's increasingly been viewed as an absolute fucking riddy that we've a top flight league with games being played on the sort of surfaces that you'd see at the local Power League. Now, the Starks Park pitch may be a proverbial bowling green but currently, they're not in the Premiership whereas Killie and Livi are and it's their surfaces that have presumably motivated the lock out.

    Whether it's true or not there's a general opinion that players don't like fully artificial surfaces, managers don't like them, fans don't like them and I'd imagine clubs who have prioritised investment on their playing surface to get them to a high standard are generally quite scunnered by others not adopting a similar position.

    I mean, both are choices. No one's saying you *have* to spend £1.5m on a nice hybrid pitch just as two specific clubs in the Premiership decided it was worth trading off the quality of their pitch against on the money they'd save by having their 3G.

    Killie and Livi both used to have grass pitches, but their going the artificial route presumably wasn't dictated by footballing reasons. I've noticed a couple of posts in this thread talking about how Killie are only reverting to grass because Bowie is putting his hand in his pocket which is fair enough but the rub there is, I guess, if they have a wealthy backer and money isn't an object why aren't they sticking with an upgraded version of the kind of surface they have just now?

    Is it because despite all the Lovejoying through this thread there's a general acknowledgement that grass/hybrid surfaces are generally going to be preferable or "better" compared to a fully synthetic/artificial?

    I mean, that's not for me to say.

    It seems pretty clear there's now a view (presumably with Livi sinking in the way that they are) that for the top league the standard should be that games should not be played on fully synthetic surfaces and chances are they'll be able to implement this without being seen to be penalising any single team (assuming Livi are relegated and neither Raith or Airdrie are promoted).

    Is it gatekeeping? Sure you could look at it that way. Should it be a priority? Maybe not. Will this improve Scottish football in any meaningful way? Almost certainly not. Is this being tabled in order to save Aberdeen from relegation? Yes. That's definitely what's happening here.

    That said, as things stand, of the top 22 clubs in the country there are only Killie (who AFAIK are replacing their surface imminently), Livi, Airdrie and Raith currently playing on plastic. The rest - a significant majority in anyone's language - are either hybrid or grass.

    It begs the question, if the vast majority of clubs in the top two divisions are able to maintain grass pitches is it that unreasonable for that to be a standard for the Premiership?

    I guess there's a view that "convenience" and "it's more cost effective" or "our Youth Academy can train on it" isn't really enough of a justification when you're talking about top flight football. Is that particularly fair if you're talking about some of the small clubs with artificial surfaces currently installed? Not really.

    However, again, as far as I can tell no one is "banning" artificial surfaces. If you're a team cutting about the Championship. League 1 or League 2 then you can be "maximising income" til your heart's content.

    The proposal seems to be that they're just not being allowed in the Premiership and respectfully, if fan owned clubs like Thistle and Morton are able to maintain grass pitches in the Championship then you'd think teams competing at Premiership level should also be able to.

    Either way, it's a fair point to mention that if the SPFL are going to get all particular about the quality of surfaces at Premiership level then they should equally be making recommendations on standards being met and maintained on all their grass surfaces.

    The word maintain is repeatedly doing a lot of heavy lifting. The number of clubs who have grass pitches well maintained is only a small percentage of those that have grass pitches 

    4 hours ago, Steve McQueen said:

    Do they have to be green, always looks fake & washed out. Lets get some different colours going.



    By IFAB they do, mostly to appeal to raging da’s about how they look, not that it stops them 

  2. 20 minutes ago, patriot1 said:

    Why should they be forced to become amateur when they may want to play their players?

    Agree with that the only time it will be possible to have proper link up between amateur and pro leagues are when we get rid of amateur status. A player is a player, a club is a club and the financial arrangements between the two(within reason) are up to them, shouldn’t matter what league there in.

  3. 15 minutes ago, The Toun Clock said:

    Was on the dreaded dotnet there and noticed there seems to be talk of another meeting happening but again for supporters groups, patrons etc. Not sure why the normal ones where anyone can go have been binned for these hush hush meetings.

    From my understanding the meetings with supporters groups are meant to be in addition with the normal open supporters council meetings.

    The guys on EEB are normally pretty quick to give updates on discussions at the meetings. Piracy is pretty open about having concerns about the finances and his willingness to raise questions about it

    But I do agree that self-selected groups do result in a danger that a true representation of fans feelings doesn’t happen. The last meeting of this type was about the living through true sportsmanship stuff, something that has received far more dissent in public than what was represented in that meeting from what I gather.

  4. 9 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:


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    edwards showing up well isn’t a surprise, he’s had a good season surrounded by shit, Otoo probably the only other contender for player of the season I’d be interested in how they compare, perhaps slightly unfairly on Otoo who’s been punted about in different positions but they largely do similar jobs in being defenders who also get heavily involved with attacks.

    I, and I think most pars fans will be very surprised about Comrie showing so poorly, he’s not had his best of seasons but not been terrible, is it your factors? I see you’ve used the same criteria as edwards and whilst they have both played wingback edwards is very much an attacking one and Comrie is more about defensive contributions which is why he’s often deployed at RCB.  But even if you’re judging him on RCB it’s as a 3 and it would be completely unfair to compare him to CBs playing in a 4 which he’d never play.

    Am I right your/wyscout model still prefers players based on a traditional positions struggling with differing between how distinct some roles in a team can be?

  5. Just now, da_no_1 said:

    Seriously though what the f**k is that all about? They've made a really good job of destroying a toilet block. Someone must have seen these arseholes doing this and just walked away. Did the stewards not hear or see anything either? 

    People can see it, but they’ll have likely marched in with numbers, there’s not much your normal fan just having a piss can do at that point.  They can tell them to not be Fannies but they’ll be ignored, they can tell stewards/police but there’s not much someone minimum wage is going to do about it and the police don’t have the capacity to arrest people in the numbers involved 

  6. The match thread has been pretty universal with pars and rovers fans each condemning the scumbags without much care about what end they sit in.  Clearly someone has got loose and needlessly making this a tribal issue.  You're not got going to find anyone here thinking that such behavior is acceptable. 

    34 minutes ago, The Toun Clock said:

    Ridiculous behaviour from whatever wee fannies have done this. Quite intrigued by the writing on the seats, it looks quite near the front where there was a heavy police/security presence, not sure how they've managed that.  

    Police are now pretty universally applying the attitude previously only given to OF fans,  they will stand and watch crap behaviour and beyond capturing footage they are just wanting to get everyone home and their shift over with. They are completely overwhelmed and are unable to storm into crowds to arrest someone for graffiti. 

  7. 3 hours ago, HoBNob said:


    In the same way that a player might lose form it feels like McPake is doing the same. 

    That is probably fair comment,  Is it possible to have a 'confidence' manager in much the same way as a confidence player? He's gone from believing we can win games a 3-0 down to completely losing heart at 1-0

  8. 25 minutes ago, CountryBumpkin said:

    The biggest factor is probably social media and anonymous stupidity that goes with it. It's far too easy to organise these things on crap like Snapchat or Twitter/X without any consequences. People recording it and hoping for engagement out of it with again no repercussions of any note. 

    Policing and stewarding is also becoming much more passive, having the kids pat themselves down on the way in to check for pyro is the most nonsensical thing, even though there are valid reasons for stewards to not manhandle children. 

    Clubs probably need to take more responsibility to identify these people both at the time and after the fact, there is CCTV, every ticket has an associated person and seat so finding them won't be difficult. 


    Ultra's pages happily posting fights certainly don't help.  the CCTV point only helps if everyone sits in their allocated seats, barely any of guys do, and those that do let of smoke bombs etc are often central in their section making it hard for police/stewards to get to them. 

  9. 54 minutes ago, bagpuss said:

    I think the game got a bit complacent and thought most of  this aggro nonsense was a thing of the past. That it's making such a comeback is really depressing.

    I think its a bit more nuanced. There is no doubt for me the shitty behaviour is probably the worst it has been in my lifetime 

    Economics has a big part to play for me, if you look at the history of football violence then it seems worst at times of poor economic performance, I think that results in 2 things, 1.  poor prospects for youngsters resulting in anger.  2. and probably more of a factor, policing numbers, you look at the number of officers patrolling things along links street and they just aren't anywhere enough to take control of things, their best hope is to arrest the worst offenders, but when they are forced to watch guys launching flares from 10ft away from them and can't take action there's a massive problem.

  10. 4 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

    Why on earth is Neville remotely blaming the keeper there?

    The swipe is a very poor decision, Nunez had already got there and taken a touch.

    but yes ake has got to take the vast majority of the blame

  11. 51 minutes ago, AuldReekie said:

    . And being honest, if we sacked him, I don't have confidence about what managers are on the market. 

    I also don’t have any confidence that our B.O.D could pick a decent manager even if they were klopp, mourinho and guardiola all turned up offering to work for free they be getting questioned on how many youngsters they developed and sold on for a profit.

    30 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Pair Jakubiak with a striker that can actually score goals and you've got an amazing secondary striker for this level.

    Our problem is we don’t have any natural goalscorers, kane apart every single one of our options is best when playing off someone else.

  12. 1 minute ago, raith1974 said:

    Is it true that the toilets in the away end were vandalised today. If so I hope there's a bill sent to the board of Dunfermline. No need to destroy property.

    Strong rumours of it. SPFL rules state the away club need to pay for any damage done by their fans. Fucking idiots the lot of them, I made a please not be c***s plea at the start of the thread and as I sadly knew it wouldn't be followed. 

  13. 19 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

    I was at that game and it was very strange sitting next to people having been in lockdown for so long. Looking back very pathetic but the same time this happened at other events like concerts people stayed away.

    Your away support was poor today, other than the idiots, sorry North West lot the other sections were down on your normal away support.


    Yes, slightly lower attendances as things opened up were to be expected, even tho restrictions were gone there was a percentage that didn't feel comfortable.  I don't want to blame rovers fans for that.

    Same with today, we've been shit I don't know what was expected, I actually thought our crowd held up well given how bad we've been

    Don't know why there's an attack on the north west section(which I'm not a part of) its not like the behaviour in that area(coming from a very small percentage) was any worse than that going on in the other end(or on links street) we both have fannies that latch onto this fixture.

  14. On 05/03/2024 at 12:03, Run DMC said:

    Grady cannot sign a pre contract with anyone as he’s only 21. You have to be over 23. There is no reason he isn’t starting other than the manager preferring others.

    That's not correct,  players u23 are still entitled to sign pre-contracts, just that if they are also offered a deal by their current club then the current club can claim their usual development compensation.

  15. I assume by he thinks similar is equivalent to 3.5x which is bizarre. 

    And if we are comparing to the Netherlands, then a payment from european prize money will need to be introduced too.  If those clubs(especially the big 2) playing in Europe want plastic pitches gone badly enough that they'll pay out then we can have a discussion. If not STFU.

  16. 1 minute ago, McGuigan1978 said:

    That was a terrible spectacle for about 70 minutes. Two terrible teams, with Dunfermline slightly less terrible, until Dylan Easton scored the second, and then we cruised to victory and should have won by more. 

    Enjoyed the theory that the Pars would be significantly better with Kyle Benedictus, Kane Ritchie-Hosler and Matty Todd in the team. 

    Absolute tripe. 

    We are significantly better with them in the team.

    That just shows how bad we are without them.  I thought our general play was also ok until our weak mindset was exposed and we gave up at 2-0, again that shows how much higher rovers standards are than ours when you have it towards the lower end of performances and it’s towards the higher end of what we are capable of.

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