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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. What lichtgilphead said, I read the full eulogy as well. You'd have to be really looking for offence to find it in that eulogy!
  2. My recollection is that Smith owns the hub but all the income goes to the club. The North Stand will be slightly different in that Smith will pay for it, the club will own it as it'll have the asset on its books but loans to Smith will increase by an equal amount. Ultimately he's covering the costs and he's the only owner in my recollection who has delivered what he said he would off the pitch. Many chased fantasies of new stadiums. Somerset Park is looking and feeling better. The hub is a good addition (if a little on the small side). There are loads of upgrades to the stadium (toilets, changing rooms, board room, gym etc, the carpark). That's not to say everything is rosey but he does deserve credit for what he has done.
  3. There is a middle ground. See D'Jaffos post above which I think is both reasonable and fair. However, saying things like: It must really ruin the Saturday night of some of our supporters because we didn't get beat isn't remotely in that middle area. It's the language of division, you can't have a pop at others for being negative after 25 mins into the game (especially if they were watching it) then come out with that stuff. You're going to get a reaction (not unreasonably I might add). I also think the way you are dismissive of the League Cup is bizarre given progression from the group is the financial equivalent of 180 season tickets. That's not to be sniffed at, especially when we all accept the squad needs strengthening.
  4. I'd rather not drop the club in it. Other than to say it was a decent bit before your interaction. The subject matter was similar to yourself in that it was to do with the quality of the highlights. I got a rapid response from SLO who passed it on to the club but I never heard anything else back from the club.
  5. Interested in how you get on. I reached out to the SLO by email and he responded speedily and passed my queries to the club. I'm yet to hear back.
  6. To put the League Cup into perspective. Qualify from the group and even if you lose you get £55,000. If you have a TV game you get more money as well. That equates to 180 adult season tickets.
  7. Very well put. We aren't where we aught to be. There is significant work needing done to bring in players. One modicum of positivity from today, we actually tried to play out from the back but Stirling Albion had a high press so it was high risk given our defenders aren't the best with the ball at their feet. We didn't just aim long punts. That is something.
  8. This a football forum. It may shock some posters to realise that not everyone shares their opinion. This isn't the echo chamber some like to portray it as. I'm amazed anyone tries to contort today's result as anything other than a lucky escape that's what it was. It was painful viewing for the most part. I don't buy the 'something to build on' gibber jabber. The club has serious business to get done in the transfer market. The League Cup is a serious competition. In 2018/19 our winning the group meant we could sign Liam Smith. Success was worth an extra player, something to think about.
  9. 4 or 5 first teamers required. That was painful viewing today. That'll do me for now.
  10. It'll be a decent chunk. That's precisely my point though a 2nd place finish and Scottish Cup quarter final should have been a windfall and a decent profit. We won't do that every season. It shouldn't be break even for us. Unless we heavily invested in the squad and were budgeting for a six figure loss anyway. Yeah inflation will be hurting the club as it is all businesses. I think there is maybe a wee bit of creative accounting going on as well. We don't want to be proclaiming that we've made a fortune as demands go up from prospective players and fan expectations with it.
  11. Aye, finishing Second and a Scottish Cup quarter final run and we only broke even? I think there is a bit of managing the message there. Otherwise, there are serious questions over our budgeting and how we are operating the club from an I&E perspective. That would not be a sustainable way to operate. Were any one off costs cited as to why we were on course for a six figure loss? Is that where they talked about games being moved and away attendances and moving kick off times? I'm all for moving the kick off time later on a Saturday. You can make a day of it then.
  12. I'm looking forward to the game today. I'm really not sure what to expect. It should be a decent test as Stirling are on the up, having won League 2. They've also been scoring for fun. Puting 6 past Dundonald Bluebell and 5 past Civil Service Strollers without reply. Our team is obviously a work in progress. I'm looking forward to see the new guys (particularly Murphy) and I'm hoping with Dipo away that we won't go route 1 all the time! I think we'll shade this but it'll be a tight affair. 2-1 to the good guys.
  13. I broadly agree with you here. In Reading's case though it feels like hope more than expectation. Gut feel it's a 1 in 20 shot. His two predecessors in the position were significantly better than him as well. That's what frustrates me, we've gone backwards at left back at a rate of knots. You have to go back to Roberts time for a worst left back for me.
  14. I remember raising concerns about Reading in the first game of the season. When a geriatric Chris Burke turned him inside out away to Killie. I'm sure there were a fair few who were worried. I find it difficult not to feel sorry for Ecrepont when he's bearly been given a run in the team. When someone who clearly isn't up to it is picked consistently ahead of you. As you say, we don't see them in training and it's multiple managers but he's been with the club for 11 years now. If he does go, he goes with my best wishes and I hope he proves the doubters wrong.
  15. "It's the fucking left back" That sounds familiar to my recent cries this season!
  16. I feel sorry for Ecrepont. How bad must it feel to not be fancied at left back behind Reading. I don't accept Bullen's argument that it's because there is no competition for Reading. Reading simply isn't good enough and is targeted by the opposition repeatedly. Its been a problem for at least a whole season, arguably two. At least he has acknowledged the problem. I suppose.
  17. Was there any mention of how many additions and of what sort of quality or characteristics we were after?
  18. I wasn't having a go at you. My issue was with the poster you quoted and you had asked if he was wrong. There are undoubtedly a couple of people on here who have had run ins with Dave Smith and there is personal animus on both sides. I can say that because at the Vision Night the chairman made references to having the best hub in League One. A comment made by a poster on here. The issue I take is that any legitimate criticism is then framed in those terms. "It's because you dislike Smith" Its a means by which to deflect criticism which we shouldn't be giving any credence. Those who have a personal dislike of the current custodian are a small minority. Even those who do, would (grudgingly) accept Dave Smith has had a positive impact on the club.
  19. He is wrong. People posted gifs and poked a bit of fun. Irony is a form of humour. The poster concerned (who you seem to be agreeing with) then opted to go on a tirade and attack those having a laugh about it. That's the modus operandi of those close to the current custodians of the club. To attack those with which they disagree. Any criticism is from a hater or someone who has beef with Dave Smith. Or someone who isn't a real fan. Real fans don't criticise the club (ever!). We even had the poster boy for happy clappers telling supporters who paid for their season ticket by instalments and had received no communication from the club to suck it up, it was no big deal, the league didn't start for 4 weeks. Stop moaning. Without a hint of irony, or even empathy for their fellow supporters. I don't know Dave Smith from Adam. I call it how I see it. I am grateful for his off field management of the club. In the main it has improved. On the field its been a distinctly mixed bag. I will continue to criticise where I think its warranted. The club and the owner is not beyond reproach. On the contrary, I find the cult like subservience of a chunk of the support bizarre.
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