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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. Absolutely, he was a huge miss for the play offs themselves.
  2. Hahah aye, him booting the ball as hard as he could in whichever direction he was facing was something we were warned about. And came to fruition.
  3. Paton reads the game well, had an eye for a pass and would never shirk a tackle. Also a big influence on the dressing room. He is undoubtedly a loss.
  4. Many people are unable to ever think their club has done wrong and will defend anything.
  5. Couldn't care less what Amy Macdonald says about it. More concerned with how this has left the recently released players feeling. It never sits well with me that they leave with a bad taste in the mouth.
  6. Releasing players with a year left of their contract costs money.
  7. Keep hearing it's not financially viable to play without fans but you'll also be just as, if not more, skint if you dont play at all. We'll need to find a way at this level.
  8. That's fair enough from RM. He should have had the foresight to stick something in about that on Friday's statement. Would have saved a lot of the flack that came the club's way. Still not entirely comfortable with it.
  9. I quite like them. "Tom Beadling once again has the run of Falkirk Stadium"
  10. From the outside looking in he seems a stand up guy, big fan
  11. I'm aware of how democracy works, cheers.
  12. Cummings won't go. He knows where the skeletons are and he's bulletproof. Whole situation is infuriating. Asking myself at least 3 or 4 times a day how these oddities are in charge of this country.
  13. They mentioned Ashcroft as our skipper so that's at least 1 inaccuracy
  14. The club have had 2 opportunities to clear it up so far and haven't taken it.
  15. It'll likely cover players for more than UC would so probably, yes.
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