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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. If it's going to start hitting the club in the pocket they might be left with little option, as much as it would be a shame.
  2. Pricing does appear to be the sticking point apparently
  3. I really liked the look of Boyd when he came on against us a week past Friday.
  4. Mccall is a rung above Yogi imo. The next championship team to give their manager the bullet should 100% be going for him.
  5. scrapped wullie gibson at firhill in his last game for dunfermline
  6. That ref was as bad as I'd seen in recent times and that's including league 1 last season.
  7. Should have had a penalty. Jakubiak put through on goal and was wrongly judged ooffside. No guarantees he scores right enough
  8. Jakubiak been ok, started the last 2 and I prefer him to Wighton currently. Sharp was alright but made a couple costly errors and has been replaced since Mehmet got fit again
  9. Both KRH and Todd will get flung in too early and end up injured again.
  10. Should have just laid an astro at East End and had all our operations there. I'll die on this hill.
  11. It's as close to guaranteeing 20 goals a season as you'll get tbf so wouldn't be surprised in the slightest
  12. That genuine? I was only half joking. Quite concerned I'm on same wavelength as Lee Bullen
  13. Should have fucked 80k at Thistle for Brian Graham.
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