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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. I ordered a pair of Hamburgs straight from the website in the Summer and they took an absolute age to come. They get shipped from Germany.
  2. Let's just sign everybody who's ever played for us. Heard Leeds are in for Bamba, surely he'd prefer a return to west Fife? The big man will probably be gutted to hear that Private Eyes has turned into a Club Tropicana. Also hope we sign Jim O'Brien. Reckon we could offer more than Coventry are giving him right now. Other names on the shortlist: Adam Hammill Dorus De Vries (back up for Scully) Joe Cardle Jamie Mole Roy Barry
  3. Wind up or no wind up, this actually occured to me a bit last night. First Summer that things are settled off the field and we may have a bit of coin, we punt out loyal players/staff such as Husband & Dargo, and bring in the best of the rest from the division. The team we had last season absolutely romped to 2nd using a lot of boys who had came through the under 20s etc. Last seasons team should have been more than enough to win the league this year. Obviously, we need to replace the loanees and Morris needed to be replaced but going and cherry picking from the other teams in the league probably wasn't the best thing to do. Everybody has a degree in hindsight though I suppose. Not surprised at all by the flak we get from other teams in the league now that we are making a pigs arse out of it.
  4. Doubt it's true. Would be good if it's a short term deal and he doesn't want too much coin.
  5. Swivelling over a pair of New Balance or another pair of Cryuffs as my next pair.
  6. Got the suede blue Sambas for my old man's xmas Ordered these today
  7. Baws, would have taken McDougall as well. f**k Barry Ferguson
  8. I'll carry the fucker down to Stranraer on my back if thats the case.
  9. Not his biggest fan but would rather have him than not. Will be intresting to see if Potts can bring anyone in. Not arsed about Chemin tbh.
  10. I'll throw my hat into the ring of playing Peter if I get to pelt Max Branning's daughter
  11. "Me and the troops had a banging time,a still feel oot ma nut fae it #Napa13"
  12. Doubt the Stevie Aitken story is true. Starting to feel a bit sorry for JJ in all of this. I've never been a fan of his management, have said so since day dot. However, don't think he deserves a lot of the flack he is getting. Guy has done a lot in football. He's just past it.
  13. Leishman till end of the season, if we go up then great if not then we'll need to take next season as it comes. Part time woohoo!
  14. Bit of a trainer fiend. Got Adidas Tobaccos Maroon, Red and white hamburgs (suede) Marathon 84s in navy, black and white gazelles OG are the favourites. Favourite pair I've had are these though Belter of a trainer, will be getting bought again soon.
  15. True, but it's fun anyway. I don't think there will ever be a time where I don't want Jim Leishman to be the Dunfermline manager.
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