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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. Nah, still like him. Neil McGregor mark 2. Not sen any of him this season right enough, the moro is the first game I'll have seen since Annan in the league cup.
  2. Remanded tae. Starting to rival Nile Ranger in the bawbag stakes.
  3. Just watched Filth as it's just been put on Netflix. Really enjoyed it, pretty fucking strange right enough. Mcavoy absolutely smashes it and i'm not really a fan of his. 8/10
  4. Pretty satisfied with the gaffers comments on COWS. Glad it's cleared up.
  5. I don't have an issue (much) with him being released for financial reasons. What I do take issue with is what I heard that he was told he had a job, went on holiday and came back to find he had been patched. If true then its despicable.
  6. Any chance of adding me into the team Gordie? I'm too modest to rate myself stat for stat but to put it simply I'm Fife's Andrea Pirlo.
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