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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. f**k, no wonder we are up shit creek without a paddle if we managed to offer matt hardie more wages than wwe... But aye, again, hardie was a free transfer
  2. You can bet your bottom dollar that BMMMH and Davie Graham will be over £500 a week
  3. We should have sold East End years ago when we had the oppurtunity and that's coming from somebody who loves east end
  4. he said when he took the contract with us that it would likely to be the last contract he'll sign in football, would imagine he will retire in the summer
  5. I appear to have completely missed the article or it's went totally over my head? Anyone able to provide me with a rough breakdown? Can pm on this or on twitter on facebook. Thanks in advance.
  6. No too pleased by that from McMillan. So it's acceptable to no try your arse during the 90 minutes on a saturday even though 2,000 fans have turned up and paid their good money to see you? Nut it isnae, we can all empathise with the situation but the one time that you can put all that shite to the back of your mind is during the 90 minutes on a saturday
  7. The whole situation is just a total f**k up from start to finish
  8. A Rovers fan taking the high ground over attendances? Jesus wept.
  9. That wasnae great, poor attendace considering it being the cup and the reduction in prices. Can't say I was surprised though. Well done to those in attendance, pretty poor from the boys today, 2 good goals from the accies and they deserved their win. May looks a cracking player at this level.
  10. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Keyboard warriors to a man.
  11. GM is to speak to fans after the open meeting on the 31st. Probably to unveil the new signings Rory Boulding and Danny Galbraith
  12. <br /><br /><br />If you loved the pars you'd stay in the toon. DAFC doesn't love the pars, imo
  13. Not even surprised we haven't flogged anyone, same old really.
  14. The players arent going to Cyprus, the club are pocketing the money and instead sending the under 20s on a 2 week training camp in Limekilns.
  15. Not yet, which is a shame because it should have been done a long time ago.
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